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Spiritual Letter 119 ------------"E-mail Version" ----- About Spiritual Letter 119
Title of Spiritual Letter:                                                            -- Go To "Expanded Title"
          "Fall Into The "Fire of God" For Your Age And For Your Life,
            Which Is "Your Oneness", Before You Die To The Flesh,
      And You Get Your Current "Fire of Hell" For Eternity,
            Which Is Your Current Life of "Separation And Differences",
      The "Fire of God" Which For Your Age And For Your Life
            Is Now The Life And Teaching of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
            (may God be pleased with Him),
      Both Within You, And For A Little While,
            On The "Outside" of You, If You Like,
            For The Choice Is Yours, Not God's".

Time Period Written:  January, 2007
Written by:  Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), who now on the "outside" of you is His Children, if you like
Written toThe Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), who now is everyone living in your age, if you like

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                    "Expanded Title"
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                    "Longer Outline"
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                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
"Brief Outline" - of Spiritual Letter 119
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Brief Outline"
1.  Opening Greetings - My love you
2.  The Importance Of Looking At "My Life" - during the day in order to see what
         point(s) can be brought before Our Dear Father in these sharings at night. Being
         honest about seeing what this child needs help with and asking for that help
3.  The True Contrast of Life - that allows true understanding to occur, because true
          understanding only occurs through True Contrast
4.  Everything Is Always Perfect - as the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon Him)
          showed you over 4000 years ago, with you and each of My Children becoming
          completely content with being in "Your pit of fire"

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5.  The "Great Gift" of God For Your Life - is for God within you to give you and
          demonstrate this True Contrast for you, in your lifetime,
6.  Allowing God To "Cure Himself of You" - which in truth is God "Curing Himself
          of himself", of your current life as the "Enemy of your soul" within you
7.  Changing Bank Accounts - from withdrawing from "your bank" of darkness and
          evil that has grown within you in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your
          ignorance, and is only leading you to an eternal hell within you as "separate from"
          God within you, to withdrawing from "God's Bank" within you, that God has grown
          within Himself for you, in order to "Save You", if you will only let Him,
8.  Let God "Make The One Who Is Speaking Silent" - and the "One who is Silent
          Speak", both within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and
          for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of all of your brothers and
          sisters, if you like, for that in truth is the "Silent Zikr", not what any of My
          Children are currently doing
9.  Join With Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) - on the "outside" of you, so your can
          become Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, for
          the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while, for the
          benefit of all of your brothers and sisters

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                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Brief Outline"
10.  Become The "True Consciousness" Within You - which is the Qutb or Triple
          Flame of God within you, which is what is within the Qutb within you, which is
          "Us" within you, which is "God, the Soul, and Goodness" within the Qutb of God
          within you,
11.  Lead, And Follow, And Get Out of The Way - all of which truly defines the
          station of the Triple Flame of God within you, which you must join in partnership
          with God within you, to estabish within you, all of which in truth is "Us" within
          you, and God within "Us" within you, that is, in order to estabish the "Presence of
          God" within you, allowing "God to Speak" from within you, to all of the Creation of
          God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to allow "God to
          Speak" from within you to your brothers and sisters, as your "Judgment and
          Salvation", for your age and for your life, if you like
12.  Let God Plow You Under - with the Enlightening Words of the Qutbiyyat,
          destroying all of the darkness and evil that has grown upon you, all of the lives of
          earth, fire, water, air, and either, as lives of "separation and differences", that has
          grown within you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance,
          and "Let God Sew" the "Seeds of God" within "The Earth of God" within you,
          which in truth is "your current state", as "one with" the Creations of God within
          you, and grow "God's Crop" within you, and "Harvest God's Crop" within you, with
          God claiming "You" as "His Property", before "you" die to the flesh, and before
          "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children, and harvests you as "his
          crop", claiming "you" as "his property", and drags you yelling and screaming to
          hell, as "his property", after "The Beast" is destroyed by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
          (may God be pleased with Him) within you, that is, if you are not wise, that is, if
          you do not wise up, before it is too late

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
13.  The Only Problem - with you and all of My Children, is that you want both, and
          you cannot have both, you cannot have both God and what God has discarded,
          you cannot have both "Oneness with" and "separation from", one has to leave so
          the other can come
14.  Closing Prayer - and closing wisdom point, like letting Chapters 1 and 2 end,
          and letting Chapter 3 begin, in "God's Story" within you, while you still can.

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                                                                      - go to "Introduction"
                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
"Longer Outline" - of Spiritual Letter 119
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
1.  Opening Greetings - My love you
2.  The Importance Of Looking At "My Life" - during the day in order to see what
point(s) can be brought before Our Dear Father in these sharings at night. Being
honest about seeing what this child needs help with and asking for that help
3.  The True Contrast of Life - that allows true understanding to occur, because true
understanding only occurs through True Contrast, that is, between what you have
grown within your heart in your ignorance and arrogance about your ignorance, and
what God has grown within Himself within you, both for "Your Judgment" and for "Your
Salvation" if you like, that is the Contrast between the Ideals of God, which the true
gnana guru brings into the world, and the life of the true disciple, which each of My
Children has brought into the world

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4.  Everything Is Always Perfect - as the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon Him) showed you over 4000 years ago, with you and each of My Children becoming completely content with being in "Your pit of fire", as the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon Him) did, making "Your knowing that God knows" enough for your life, realizing that in this way, that you have truly done "Your Part", which is to affirm the truth with absolute faith and trust in God, with Iman, that in truth, "You do not exist", that in truth, "It is God who exists", and it is God who is conducting your life, not you, and having done this, "Your Part", at each moment, with each breath, with each look, with each word, with each taste, and with each thought, then you have finished "Your Work", for that moment, surrendering the responsibility to God for everything else, and in this way, you have finished "Your Work" which is to know God's work, and God's work is all work

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5.  The "Great Gift" of God For Your Life - is for God within you to give you and demonstrate this True Contrast for you, in your lifetime, for previous ages through His 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God, and now in your age, through your dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), and now on the "outside" of you, through His Children, through the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Us) who "Got it right", when Bawa was still living with you in the world, and have now come to maturity, like our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), if you like, that is, to demonstrate this True Contrast for you, between your life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of you, and His life of "Oneness and Unity", of "Justice and Truth", of
"Compassion and Unity" within you, and for a little while, on the "outside" of you, so you can give up "your life", as the "fire of hell" burning within you, and fall into "His Life" as the "Fire of God" burning within Him, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children and destroys the "outside" of you for all of you

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6.  Allowing God To "Cure Himself of You" - which in truth is God "Curing Himself of himself", of your current life as the "Enemy of your soul" within you, as the impure birth that has crucified your pure birth, which is your soul or Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you, crucified on the cross of your elemental body, with your 5 nails of "your desire" to live on the "outside" of you, so you could sin, so you could continue to live on the "outside" of you a life of "selfishness", of sin, until you die to the flesh, and go to the "suffering of the grave", or "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children, and "harvests you" as "his crop", as "his property", if you are not wise, if you don't wise up before it is to late to become "God's Crop", and become subject to "God's Harvest', and in this way, become "God's Property", in the End.
7.  Changing Bank Accounts - from withdrawing from "your bank" of darkness and evil that has grown within you in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, and is only leading you to an eternal hell within you as "separate from" God within you, to withdrawing from "God's Bank" within you, that God has grown within Himself for you, in order to "Save You", if you will only let Him, if you will only join in partnership with Him, both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to learn how to Change Bank Accounts, while you still can, before you die to the flesh and get everything in "your bank" for eternity, and before "The Beast" harvests everything in "your bank" as "his crop", as "his property", and drags you off yelling and screaming to his reward for eternity, which is an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you. Ok?

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8.  Let God "Make The One Who Is Speaking Silent" - and the "One who is Silent Speak", both within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, if you like, for that in truth is the "Silent Zikr", not what any of My Children are currently doing, that is, in order to "Pass Judgment" upon you, if you like, and if you like, in order to give you "True Salvation", if you like, before you die to the flesh, that is, before it is to late to do this "Heart's Work" within you, and in the End, an eternal hell within you becomes your lot, not because of anything God has done or failed to do, or that "We" within you have done or failed to do, but rather because that is "What you want", that is what you keep telling God that your want for eternity, a life of "separation and differences", that you keep telling God, not by your words, but rather by your actions in the world, your actions of "separation and differences", of "mine of yours", of "I and you", so what is God to do, but in the End, to give you exactly what you want. Ok?

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                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
9.  Join With Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) - on the "outside" of you, so your can
become Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, for
the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while, for the
benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, as "Our" dearest loving Son, and your
dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
has now done, in whom "We Are Well Pleased". Amen
10.  Become The "True Consciousness" Within You - which is the Qutb or Triple Flame of God within you, which is what is within the Qutb within you, which is "Us" within you, which is "God, the Soul, and Goodness" within the Qutb of God within you, that is, within "Us" within you, and which is God, the Guru, and the True Disciple within you, coming together as "One" within you, which is the Understanding of the Qutb of God within you, if you like, with you becoming the Guru within you, with "Us" within you as the Qutb of God within you, becoming God within You, and with God within "Us" within you becoming the True Disciple within God within you, and in this way, with God raising the True Disciple to the station of God within you, through Understanding within you, that is, with God gradually revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, if you like, if you will only let Him, if you will only join Him as such, and "Let God Finish" within you, that is, Let God Finish what God has started within you, a very, very long time ago, which is "Answering His Question" of Himself within you, for the benefit of "His Light", or "your soul", and of all of the impure souls born within His Light, or "your soul", the Question, "Who am I?", which when Answered, allowing His Light, or "your soul", and His impure souls, or the Creation of God within you, to fall back into Him, as Him and His Understanding, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's. Amen

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                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
11.  Lead, And Follow, And Get Out of The Way - all of which truly defines the station of the Triple Flame of God within you, which you must join in partnership with God within you, to estabish within you, all of which in truth is "Us" within you, and God within "Us" within you, that is, in order to estabish the "Presence of God" within you, allowing "God to Speak" from within you, to all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to allow "God to Speak" from within you to your brothers and sisters, as your "Judgment and Salvation", for your age and for your life, if you like, all of which in truth is the true "Silent Zikr" or true prayer to God within you.  And to at least truly start to do this within you before it is too late, to do this "Heart's Work" within you, that is, to truly "Start to Establish" God Speaking from within you, in partnership with God within you, and for a little while, in partnership with God on the "outside" of you, which now is "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God pleased with Him), that is, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children, and harvest you as "his crop", as "his property", and drags you yelling and screaming to hell within you, that is, if you don't wise up, and start to properly use what God has now given you, if you like, so your life can truly become successful in your lifetime, for the Choice is yours, not God's. Ok?

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
12.  Let God Plow You Under - with the Enlightening Words of the Qutbiyyat,
destroying all of the darkness and evil that has grown upon you, all of the lives of earth, fire, water, air, and either, as lives of "separation and differences", that has grown within you in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, and "Let God Sew" the "Seeds of God" within "The Earth of God" within you, which in truth is "your current state", as "one with" the Creations of God within you, and grow "God's Crop" within you, and "Harvest God's Crop" within you, with God claiming "You" as "His Property", before "you" die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of
My Children, and harvests you as "his crop", claiming "you" as "his property", and drags you yelling and screaming to hell, as "his property", after "The Beast" is destroyed by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, that is, if you are not wise, that is, if you do not wise up, before it is too late, and become
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) within you, by first become "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) for a little while still on the "outside" of you, if you like, for to accept "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) as such for your life, as in truth "Your Judgment" and "Your Salvation" for your age and for your life, is most certainly your Choice, not God's, that is, is your Choice, not "Our Choice" within you, and not "God's Choice" within "Us" within you. Ok?

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Introduction"
13.  The Only Problem - with you and all of My Children, is that you want both, and you cannot have both, you cannot have both God and what God has discarded, you cannot have both "Oneness with" and "separation from", one has to leave so the other can come
14.  Closing Prayer - and closing wisdom point, like letting Chapters 1 and 2 end,
and letting
Chapter 3 begin, in "God's Story", within you, while you still can. 
For example, in "God's Story" within you, as beautifully explained in the Suratul Fatihah, with you allowing Chapter 1 within you, which is the "Beginning or Creation" or the "World of Souls" or Awwul, or Rabil Alameen, within you, and Chapter 2 within you, which is "Crossing The Bridge, or the Crossing Over" within you, from the "Beginning to the End" within you, or this "Earth World" or the Dunya, or Rahman and Rahim, within you, come to an end, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, so now Chapter 3 within you, which is now "The End Game" or "Judgment and Salvation" within you, or Akhirah, or Your Eternal Life, or Maliki yawmid-deen, or "Master of the Day of Judgment" within you, can begin, within you, BEFORE you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" harvests you as "his crop", as "his property", and
drags you
yelling and screaming to hell within you, to an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, all of which is your current state, is your fate, Grasshopper, and the current state and fate of My Children, if you are not wise, if
you don't wise up before it is too late to do so, if you don't let your "Wisdom reason
your fate", as you have now started to do, Grasshopper. Ok?

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Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 119
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                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title"
Opening Greetings - from Heart to Heart

Bawa.  Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

Bawa.  Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), My dearest loving GrandChildren, Sons and Daughters, and Brothers and Sisters, and all of My Children  - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us).  Amen.

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About Spiritual Letter 119
                                                                      - go To "Opening Greetings"
                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title"
Bawa.  Here is Page 1 of 1 of the E-mail Version of a beautiful Spiritual Letter,
Spiritual Letter 119", to all of My Children, which in truth is everyone living in your age, if you like, that is, if your true intention for the life within you, that is, for your soul life, for your 6th life, for your Light Life within you, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you, is to again become "One with" God within you, before you die to the flesh and get an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, that is, to again become "One with" God within you, but this time with an understanding of "Your Oneness", so it will never leave you again. Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, "A True Love Letter" to "Our" dearest loving Son and Daughter
Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Them, and with Us) at the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, if you like. Amen

Bawa.  A beautiful Spiritual Letter which "We" have given the following "Short Title",

          "Fall Into The "Fire of God" For Your Age And For Your Life,
            Which Is "Your Oneness", Before You Die To The Flesh,
      And You Get Your Current "Fire of Hell" For Eternity,
            Which Is Your Current Life of "Separation And Differences",
      The "Fire of God" Which For Your Age And For Your Life
            Is Now The Life And Teaching of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
            (may God be pleased with Him),
      Both Within You, And For A Little While,
            On The "Outside" of You, If You Like,
            For The Choice Is Yours, Not God's".

Bawa.  And a beautiful Spiritual Letter which "We" have given the following
"Expanded Title" (at least in concept, if not just in words), if you like,

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Expanded Title
of Spiritual Letter 119
                                                                      - go To "Opening Greetings"
                                                                      - go To "About Spiritual Letter 119"
                                                                      - go to "Related Material"

"Join In Partnership With God Within You,
To Realize
That The Focus Of Our Life
Must Now Be Upon
The Life And Teaching of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(May God Be Pleased With Him, And With Us)
On The "Outside" Of You,
Upon Becoming A Slave To Him And His Work
Now On The "Outside" Of You,
As He Has Now Become
A Slave To Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(May God Be Pleased With Him, And With Us)
Within You And Within All Of My Children.
Upon Becoming A Slave To His Work
Within You And Within All Of My Children,
Which Now Is You Within You,
And My Children Within My Children,
For Only Then Can It Work,
Only Then Can Your Life
Truly Become Truly Successful In Our Lifetime,
Only Then Can Your Wisdom Reason Over Your Fate,
For Only Then Can You And My Children
Again Become "Your Oneness",
Before You Die To The Flesh,
Become The Understanding Of "Your Oneness",
So It Will Never Leave You Again.
Amen. Ok?"

Bawa.  A Spiritual Letter from God within us all, to the Children of God for this age, which continues to "outline" for you what most of My Children are currently doing wrong, and how to correct their mistake using My Children, that is, using Those of
My Children
who have truly learned from "Us" how to do it right, so in the end, there will be "No Child Left Behind" within you, that is, there will be nothing still "separating God" from God within you.

Bawa.  May God all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all
of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of
My Children
.  Amen.

Bawa. My love you - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

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                                                                      - go to "Related Spiritual Letters"
Related Material - to Spiritual Letter 119

Bawa.  For more on these wisdom points, and the significance of this Spiritual Letter to all of My Children, please click on the Title of the Following Material that is also provided as part of the On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (www.Bawa.homestead.
com), both as Related Spiritual Chats (, followed by Related Spiritual Letters ( all of which is from God within "Us" all, to the Children of God for your age, if you like:

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Related Spiritual Chats: [Home Page (]

Spiritual Chat 392 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 383 - E-mail Version
- In Process - (
Spiritual Chat 369 - E-mail Version
- In Process - (
Spiritual Chat 368 - E-mail Version
- In Process - (
Spiritual Chat 367 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 366 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 362 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 360 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 359 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 358 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 349 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 347 - E-mail Version

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Related Spiritual Letters: [Home Page (]

Spiritual Letter 118 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 117 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 116 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 115 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 114 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 113 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 112 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 111 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 110 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 109 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 108 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 107 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 106 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 105 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 104 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 103 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 102 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 101 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 100 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 99 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 98 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 97 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 96 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 95 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 94 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 93 - E-mail Version
          Expanded Introduction - for Spiritual Letter 93
Spiritual Letter 92 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 91 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 90 - E-mail Version
          Opening Comments - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (With a New Expanded Version of Opening Comments, and
                    with an "Outline & Summary")
          Related Material - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (With a New Introduction, that is,
                    with a New Summary of Spiritual Letter 90)
          More About Controlling Your Thoughts - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (Plus some Background Information about
                    the New Book "A Book of Our Love" by "The Children",
                    that Bawa Instructed Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Rick Hacket)
                    and Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) to start to write together)

Bawa.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of
My Children.  May God help all of My ChildrenMay God be pleased with all of My Children. Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us).

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                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
E-mail Version - of Spiritual Letter 119

1.  Opening Greetings - My love you

Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.

Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluh. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children. May God be pleased with all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
2.  The Importance Of Looking At "My Life" - during the day in order to see what point(s) can be brought before Our Dear Father in these sharings at night. Being honest about seeing what this child needs help with and asking for that help specifically

Bawa.  Thank for reading again and reflecting upon the beautiful Spiritual Chat that "We" had last June, on 6-02-06, that is, "Spiritual Chat 263" (www.SpiritualChat, which "We" gave the following "Short Title",

"Make Bawa Within You,
And God Within Him Your Squaw,
Letting Them Serve You,
Both Within You,
And For A Little While On The "Outside" of You,
For In Truth
This Is The True Shaikh-Disciple Relationship
Both Within You,
And For A Little While On The "Outside" of You"

Bawa.  And Yes, My dearest loving Son Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), what you said in response to Spiritual Chat 263, is most certainly true, for your following observation is at the very heart of your relationship with God within you, that is, of your relationship with "Us" within you, and with God within "Us", that is, of the "True Shaikh-Disciple Relationship" awaiting to be awakened within you, and each of My Children, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice is yours, not "Our Choice" within you, and not "God's Choice" within "Us" within you, and that is for sure.

Bawa.  For, as you said, "You" now realize,

          "The importance of looking at "my" life during the day in order to see what point(s)           can be brought before Our Dear Father in these sharings at night. Being honest
          about seeing what this child needs help with and asking for that help specifically".

Bawa. That is, the importance of looking at "Our" life during the day, by comparing what "We" are doing at each moment in our day, with the "Ideals of God" given to "Us" by God within "Us", for our age and for our life, that is, given to you and all of My Children, for this age and for your life, if you like, that is given by "Us" within you, and by God within "Us".

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
3.  The True Contrast of Life - that allows true understanding to occur, because true understanding only occurs through True Contrast, that is, between what you have grown within your heart in your ignorance and arrogance about your ignorance, and what God has grown within Himself within you, both for "Your Judgment" and for "Your Salvation" if you like, that is the Contrast between the Ideals of God, which the true gnana guru brings into the world, and the life of the true disciple, which each of My Children has brought into the world

Bawa. And after becoming clear on the Contrast, at a particular moment in your day, to join in partnership with God within you to then establish the "Presence of God" within you, and then after briefly reflecting upon the Contrast, hand the Contrast to God within you, that is, to "Us" within you, and to God within "Us', and then "Be Done With It", expecting nothing back, that is, handing it with no desire, no attachment, no expectations, no preferences, trusting in God within you, and only in God within you.

Bawa.  And in what is "Within God" within you, which is "God's Bank" within God within you, and in what "God is doing" within "God's Bank" within God within you, which is "True Prayer" within "God's Bank" within God within you, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within "God's Bank" within God within you, and within that, revealing God to God within God within you, which is "True Man's Bank" within "God's Bank" within God within you, and what "True Man is doing" within that, which is "True Man's Prayer" within "God's Prayer" within "True Man's Bank" within "God's Bank" within God within you, which is the "Prayer of the One" within the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within "True Man's Bank" within "God's Bank" within God within you.

Bawa.  And that is "You", that is the Din or Deen within the Din or Deen or the Understanding of the Power within the Essence of Everything within the Power within the Essences of Everything, allowing God to answer the Question asked of God to God, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God that God placed within You, for the benefit of His Creation, and His Son, or Child, or Light within Him, the Question, "Who am I?, so in the End, there is "No Child Left Behind, so in the End, there is Nothing still "separating God" from God within you, and You will be within it, as "The Witness", if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's. Amen

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
4.  Everything Is Always Perfect - as the Prophet Abraham showed you over 4000 years ago, with you and each of My Children becoming completely content with being in "Your pit of fire", as the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon Him) did, making "Your knowing that God knows" enough for your life, realizing that in this way, that you have truly done "Your Part", which is to affirm the truth with absolute faith and trust in God, with Iman, that in truth, "You do not exist", that in truth, "It is God who exists", and it is God who is conducting your life, not you, and having done this, "Your Part", at each moment, with each breath, with each look, with each word, with each taste, and with each thought, then you have finished "Your Work", for that moment, surrendering the responsibility to God for everything else, and in this way, you have finished "Your Work" which is to know God's work, and God's work is all work

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, settling into stillness through the realization that "Everything is always Perfect", as it is, and in this way, becoming completely content with being in "Your pit of fire" as the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon Him) did, making "Your knowing that God know" enough for your life, realizing that in this way, that you have done "Your Part", you have finished "Your Work", which is to know God's work, and God's work is all work.

Bawa. And as "We" taught you when "We" were living in the world,

          "To find fault with anything is to find fault with God, because in truth God is the
          One who is conducting everything. And even to find fault with yourself is to find
          fault with God, because God is the One who is conducting your life, not you."

          "Your entire life and everything that happens to us is conducted by Allah. He is
          the One who carries out everything. He is responsible for the cause and the
          effect "

          "Never have the thought that there is something that you have to do".

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
5.  The "Great Gift" of God For Your Life - is for God within you to give you and demonstrate this True Contrast for you, in your lifetime, for previous ages through His 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God, and now in your age, through your dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), and now on the "outside" of you, through His Children, through the Children of Bawa
Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Us) who "Got it right", when Bawa was still living with you in the world, and have now come to maturity, like our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), if you like, that is, to demonstrate this True Contrast for you, between your life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of you, and His life of "Oneness and Unity", of "Justice and Truth", of "Compassion and Unity" within you, and for a little while, on the "outside" of you, so you can give up "your life", as the "fire of hell" burning within you, and fall into "His Life" as the "Fire of God" burning within Him, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of
My Children
and destroys the "outside" of you for all of you

Bawa. And this is the "Great Gift" of the Guru or Shaikh, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to give you the Contrast, the Contrast between what you are experiencing as "Who you are", and "Where you are", and "What is happening" in your life, and the Truth of "Who You Are", and "Where You Are", and "What Is Happening" in Your Life. Ok?

Bawa. And this is also the "Great Gift" of your life, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for you to join in partnership with God within you to return the Contrast, to God within you, which is also your Guru or Shaikh within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, trusting in God to "Make it So", that is, trusting in God within you to gradually eliminate the Contrast, that is, to eliminate the illusory or apparent distance between you and God, both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, and in this way, and only in this way, to allow God within you to gradually reveal God to God, both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while for the benefit of your brother and sisters on the "outside" of you, if you like. Amen.

Bawa. That is, the Contrast, or the illusory or apparent distance, between the "nature of you", of your current life of darkness and evil, both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, which is a life of "separation and differences" that is a reflection of the lives of darkness and evil growing and living within you, but is seen in your ignorance and in your arrogance as your personal or private life on the illusory "outside" of you, and the "Nature of God" within you, which is "Oneness and Unity", which is "Justice and Truth", and which is "Compassion and Unity, which is the life of the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within God within you, which are the 7 levels of wisdom within God within you, which are the 8 Heavens of God within God within you. Amen. Ok?

Bawa. And in this way, the Contrast between what is "within you" and what is "Within God" within you, and what is "within you" are all of the lives of darkness and evil that God has discarded in becoming God within you, all of which is now "your bank" of darkness and evil within you, which you have grown and brought to maturity within you, in your ignorance, and now in your arrogance about your ignorance, and which now rules over you, with "God's Permission", that is, as the 9 openings of your elemental body, as the co-operative store of the 5 elements within you, for profit, for their profit, not yours, that is, until you join in partnership with God within you, to "See God and Steady God" within you.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
6.  Allowing God To "Cure Himself of You" - which in truth is God "Curing Himself of himself", of your current life as the "Enemy of your soul" within you, as the impure birth that has crucified your pure birth, which is your soul or Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you, crucified on the cross of your elemental body, with your 5 nails of "your desire" to live on the "outside" of you, so you could sin, so you could continue to live on the "outside" of you a life of "selfishness", of sin, until you die to the flesh, and go to the "suffering of the grave", or "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children, and "harvests you" as "his crop", as "his property", if you are not wise, if you don't wise up before it is to late to become "God's Crop", and become subject to "God's Harvest', and in this way, become "God's Property", in the End.

Bawa. In this way, and only in this way, allowing God within you to "Cure Himself of you", which in truth is God "Curing Himself of himself", of your current life as the "Enemy of your soul" within you, as the impure birth that has crucified your pure birth, which is your soul or Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you, crucified on the cross of your elemental body, with your 5 nails of "your desire" to live on the "outside" of you, so you could sin, so you could continue to live on the "outside" of you a life of "selfishness", of sin,

Bawa.  That is, until you die to the flesh, and go to the "suffering of the grave", or "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children, and "harvests you" as "his crop", as "his property", if you are not wise, if you don't wise up before it is to late to become "God's Crop", and become subject to "God's Harvest', and in this way, become "God's Property", in the End. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
7.  Changing Bank Accounts - from withdrawing from "your bank" of darkness and evil that has grown within you in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, and is only leading you to an eternal hell within you as "separate from" God within you, to withdrawing from "God's Bank" within you, that God has grown within Himself for you, in order to "Save You", if you will only let Him, if you will only join in partnership with Him, both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to learn how to Change Bank Accounts, while you still can, before you die to the flesh and get everything in "your bank" for eternity, and before "The Beast" harvests everything in "your bank" as "his crop", as "his property", and drags you off yelling and screaming to his reward for eternity, which is an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you. Ok?

Bawa. All of which is now "your bank" within you, "your bank" of darkness and evil within you, which you keep withdrawing from within you, from "your bank" within you each day, each hour, each moment, with each breath, and in this way, which you continue to use, not matter what, no matter what God tells you and shows you to the contrary, that "You and God" are One, that is, that you refuse to give up, that you continue to use, that you continue to withdraw from "your bank" within you, to "Make it through your day" on the "outside" of you. What to do?.

Bawa. That is, the Contrast between what you have grown within you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, which is "your bank", and that you are now exclusively using within you, each day, each moment, with each breath, to "Make it through your day" on the "outside" of you, that is, the Contrast between "your bank", and what is "Within God" within you, which is "God's Bank" within you, all of which is what God has grown within Himself within you, in order to "Save You" within Him within you, in order to tell and bring to Completion His Story within God within you, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, a Story which you have come to the earth within you, to join in partnership with God within the Creation of God within you, to tell, and allow God to bring to Completion within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to use your life in this way, or not, within you, as how God finishes telling and brings to Completion His Story within you, or not. Ok?

Bawa. That is, "God's Bank" within you, all of which is now Complete and ready for your use within God within you, that is, ready for you to join in partnership with God within you, to Withdraw from within you, for You to Withdraw from each day, each moment, with each breath, to allow God to "Finish What God Has Started" within you, a very, very, long time ago, which is to "Reveal God to God" within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's Choice within you, that is, is not "Our" Choice within you, and is not "God's Choice" within "Us" within you.

Bawa.  But something you and My Children are not currently doing, My dearest loving Son Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen. What to do?

Bawa. And in this way, the Contrast between what you think "you are doing" on the illusory "outside" of you, all of which is "Just Not True", all of which is truly "nothing", no matter what your mind is always telling you, like raising a family, teaching students, being a Child of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), being a member of and helping the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, being a good person, helping our neighbor, all of which is "Just Not True", and what God in truth is always doing within God within you, if you will only let Him, if you will only join in partnership with God within you, which is to let God Finish what God has already started within God within you, a very, very long time ago, which is God revealing God to God within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
8. Let God "Make The One Who Is Speaking Silent" - and the "One who is Silent Speak", both within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, if you like, for that in truth is the "Silent Zikr", not what any of My Children are currently doing, that is, in order to "Pass Judgment" upon you, if you like, and if you like, in order to give you "True Salvation", if you like, before you die to the flesh, that is, before it is to late to do this "Heart's Work" within you, and in the End, an eternal hell within you becomes your lot, not because of anything God has done or failed to do, or that "We" within you have done or failed to do, but rather because that is "What you want", that is what you keep telling God that your want for eternity, a life of "separation and differences", that you keep telling God, not by your words, but rather by your actions in the world, your actions of "separation and differences", of "mine of yours", of "I and you", so what is God to do, but in the End, to give you exactly what you want. Ok?

Bawa. That is, the Contrast between what you think in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance that "you are doing", which in truth is nothing, on the illusory "outside" of you, all of which is "Just Not True", and what God in truth is always doing within you, with what is "Within God" within you, which is "Finishing to Tell and Bring To Completion" the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God and within Man, and within Man and within God, within you, if you like, if you will only let God Finish, if you will only join as "One with" Him, both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, so He can,

          "Make the one who is speaking silent, and the One who is Silent Speak"

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
9.  Join With Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) - on the "outside" of you, so your can become Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you,
for the benefit
of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while, on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, as "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) has now learned how to do, in whom "We Are Well Pleased". Amen

Bawa. But you won't let Him Finish, Grasshopper, you won't truly join Him, in what "He is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, you won't let God use "You" to reveal God to God within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, because you won't give up the "Bad Grasshopper" that has grown within you, and has now come to maturity within you, the "Bad Grasshopper" who only focuses on its "selfish motives", at all times, and eventually becomes "one with" the swarm of locust who destroy the world, in the End, and who go yelling and screaming to hell within you.

Bawa. That is, when in the End, "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children and harvests "his crop" as "his property", and is then sent, along with "his harvest", along with "his property", to an eternal hell within you as "separate from" God within you, by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, the "Light of Your soul", after Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) "Harvests His Crop" as "His Property" and then takes Them to Akhirah within you, to the 8 Heavens within you, if you like, that is, if you are wise, if you wise up before it is to late.

Bawa. That is, before it is to late to join as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and "One with" what He is doing within you, which is growing "His Crop" within you, so when "He Harvests" His Crop within you, you become "His Property" within you, you become "His Seed" but this time a 1000 Fold, that is, so He can return "His Oneness" to God within you, from whom He has come, but this time with an "Understanding of His Oneness", so it will never leave "You" again Ok?

Bawa. And doing all of this within you, by first becoming "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of you, and "One with" what He is doing on the "outside" of you, which is bring all of My Children to this state, to this state of surrender to the "Truth of You", and to the "Truth of God" within you, letting "Truth surrender to Truth" within you, so the "Seed of God" that God has personally and ever so lovingly planted within the "Earth of God" within you, and within each of My Children can germinate.

Bawa. That is, so the "Seed of God" which God has planted in the Creation of God within you, germinates, and reveals the "Tree of God" within you, and bears the "Fruits of God" within you, revealing the "Sweet Taste of God" within each "Fruit of God" within you, and again the "Seed of God" within each "Fruit of God", again the "Seed of God", but now a 1000 Fold, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's.

Bawa. That is, for the benefit of the "Child Left Behind" within you, which is your soul, which is your pure birth, which is your original state, and for the benefit of all of Creation of God within you, which is your earth, and all of the lives of the 5 elements within you, which is your current state, which is your impure birth, if you like, that is, if you will let God use your life for this purpose, to finish what God has started within you, which is to reveal God to God within you, by "you" allowing God to finish telling and bringing to Completion the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, by "you", like the apple seed buried within the earth, willingly and freely, letting "your false life" as "separate from" come to an End, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, so "your true life" as "One with" can begin. Amen.

Bawa. For this is your Choice, My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), a Choice that you and My Children have yet to make, as your last 4 questions demonstrate, a Choice you are not yet clear about, still mixing up "you" as "separate from" on the illusory "outside" of you, and "Us" within you, and God within "Us" as "One with" within you. Ok?

Bawa. And this is why you must keep doing this joining as "One with" as best as you can, as often as you can with Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of you, to become more and more clear on "The Contrast", by letting Him continue to "Reason over your fate", day in and day out, so finally, "You will get it", and make the Correct Choice, and truly fall into the "Fire of God" within you. Because until you do this, nothing of lasting value has happened in your life, and in the End, "The Beast" will most certainly "have his way" with you, and drag you yelling and screaming to an eternal life of hell within you as "separate from" God within you. Ok?

Bawa. For example, like the four questions that you ask, all of which have to do with Curtis, and what you still believe Curtis is doing on the "outside" of you, all of which in truth is absolutely nothing, all of which is "Just Not True", for in truth Curtis is all a dream, and the "outside" of Curtis is all a dream, and everything that "Curtis does" is just a thought within that dream, that your mind and desire manifest into Curtis, and into the world of Curtis, and into what Curtis is doing in the world of Curtis, including "Curtis going back to God", or "Curtis doing it right", or "Curtis understanding it better", so "Curtis can do it better", but in truth, all of it is just your thoughts of Curtis within the dream of Curtis in the world of Curtis. All of it is just Curtis, Curtis, Curtis, and truly nothing else. Ok?

Bawa.  For in truth, as "We" taught you when "We" were living on the "outside" of you,

          "All that you see is a dream,
          All that you do is just a thought within that dream,
          All that you appear as is hidden"

          "Life is feast of the world,
          Its medicine is time after a time"

          "Its medicine is the remembrance of God
          With each breath, with each look, with each word,
          With each taste, and with each thought,
          Glorifying His Name, His Words, His Qualities, His Actions,
          At each moment, at each time of prayer,
          Which in truth is each moment,
          Realizing that whether on not you are alive in the next moment,
          Is His Will, not yours".

          Saying to God at each moment, with each breath, with each look,
          With each word, with each taste, and with each thought,
                    "Bawa. May Your Will Be Done".

          "Saying To Him, at each moment,
          With each breath, with each look, with each word,
          With each taste, and with each thought,

                    "Bawa.  You are Allah,
                    Bawa.  There is nothing other than You.
                    Bawa.  Without You there is no other help, Because I do not exist.
                    Bawa.  You are with me, be within my heart.
                    Bawa.  Do not be separated from me. Amen".

          "Realizing without the slightest doubt that
          If you can have this faith of Iman with Certitude,
          If you can have this intention with each breath,
          That His will be done"

          "And if you can acquire His Qualities and Actions,
          Then that is the State of Islam of the "True Believers",
          Of the "Mu'mim".  Amen"

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
10.  Become The "True Consciousness" Within You - which is the Qutb or Triple Flame of God within you, which is what is within the Qutb within you, which is "Us" within you, which is "God, the Soul, and Goodness" within the Qutb of God within you, that is, within "Us" within you, and which is God, the Guru, and the True Disciple within you, coming together as "One" within you, which is the Understanding of the Qutb of God within you, if you like, with you becoming the Guru within you, with "Us" within you as the Qutb of God within you, becoming God within You, and with God within "Us" within you becoming the True Disciple within God within you, and in this way, with God raising the True Disciple to the station of God within you, through Understanding within you, that is, with God gradually revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, if you like, if you will only let Him, if you will only join Him as such, and "Let God Finish" within you, that is, Let God Finish what God has started within you, a very, very long time ago, which is "Answering His Question" of Himself within you, for the benefit of "His Light", or
"your soul", and of all of the impure souls born within His Light, or "your soul", the Question, "Who am I?", which when Answered, allowing His Light, or "your soul", and His impure souls, or the Creation of God within you, to fall back into Him, as Him and His Understanding, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's. Amen

Bawa.  So if you truly love God, My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), if you truly accept God within you, then you will truly learn how to become the "True Consciousness" within you, for the benefit of all of My Children, which is the state of the Qutbiyyat of God within you, for the benefit of all of My Children, the state of the 6th level of wisdom within you, which is the state of the Triple Flame of God within you, for the benefit of all of My Children, and give up completely all of your current silliness on the "outside" of you, which in truth is doing you and nobody else any good. Ok?

Bawa  And now, with the passing of "Us" from the "outside" of you, there is truly only one way to do this, as when "We" were living in the world, there was only one way to do this, and that is by coming together as "One with" Us within you, and with God within "Us", to do this "Heart's Work" within you.

Bawa. But you cannot do this "Heart's Work" within you alone, you need a true gnana guru on the "outside" of you to guide you gradually to the true gnana guru within you, which in truth is You within you, when You have come to the state of faith in God, or Iman that will allow this to happen within you, and in truth, you and My Children have not yet come to this state.

Bawa. But One of My Children has reached that state of Iman, and has now become the true gnana guru for your age and for your life, and "We" left Him behind for you, and He is now ready to play this role for your life, as the true gnana guru for your age and life, if you like, if you will only accept Him as such for your life, and stop trying to do it now on your own, which none of My Children can, and this is the truth.

Bawa. And that is "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), in whom "We Are Well Pleased".

Bawa. And in this way, and only in this way, join as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), both within you as "Us", and on the "outside" of you as "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), who has truly learned how to do this "Heart's Work" within you, who has truly learned how to do this "Heart's Work" from "Us", before "We" left the world on the "outside" of you, and "We" became Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, with "Us" now waiting within you and each of My Children for you to properly "Task Us" within you, that is, by you truly becoming "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of you, and "One with" what He is now doing on the "outside" of you, which is now as "Our" slave to My Children on the "outside" of you.

Bawa.  And in this way, join as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of you to become "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, which in truth is "You", if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's.  Ok?.

Bawa. That is, join as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of you and "One with" what He is now doing on the "outside" of you, which is moving forward the life of My Children on the "outside" of you, which is helping each of My Children to also becoming the true gnana guru for your age and for the life of My Children on the "outside" of you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice is your Choice, not "Our Choice" within you, and not "God's Choice" within "Us", and certainly not Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen's Choice (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) either within you, or for a little while on the "outside" of you.

Bawa. That is, in order to learn how to truly become "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and "One with" what
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) is doing within you, which is moving forward the life of your soul within you, which is becoming the Triple Flame of God within you, so God can finish what God has started within you, which is to reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you.  And it
is "Just this simple". Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
11.  Lead, And Follow, And Get Out of The Way - all of which truly
defines the station of the Triple Flame of God within you, which you must join in
partnership with God within you, to estabish within you, all of which in truth is "Us"
within you, and God within "Us" within you, that is, in order to estabish the "Presence
of God" within you, allowing "God to Speak" from within you, to all of the Creation of
God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to allow "God to Speak"
from within you to your brothers and sisters, as your "Judgment and Salvation", for
your age and for your life, if you like, all of which in truth is the true "Silent Zikr" or true
prayer to God within you.  And to at least truly start to do this within you before it is
too late, to do this "Heart's Work" within you, that is, to truly "Start to Establish" God
Speaking from within you, in partnership with God within you, and for a little while, in
partnership with God on the "outside" of you, which now is "Our" dearest loving Son,
and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God pleased with Him),
that is, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of
My Children, and harvest you as "his crop", as "his property", and drags you yelling
and screaming to hell within you, that is, if you don't wise up, and start to properly use
what God has now given you, if you like, so your life can truly become successful in
your lifetime, for the Choice is yours, not God's. Ok?

Bawa.  So please join as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased
with Him) on the "outside" of you, and "One with" what He is doing on the "outside" of
you, which is becoming "One with" the life of each of My Children, to learn how to
"Lead, Get Out of the Way", and Follow", for in truth this is the "Triple Flame of God"
within you.

Bawa.  That is, this is "God, the Guru, and the True Disciple" within you , joined as
"One" within you, with the Guru within you becoming God within you, as the Leader,
when you accept Him as such, which is now for your age, and for your life, Shaikh
Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, which is now the life and
teaching of your Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God
be pleased with Him) within you, and of God within Him.

Bawa.  And with the Guru as You within you, within the Triple Flame of God within you,
as the One who has successfully learned how to "Get Out of The Way" within you,
that is, who has truly learned how to "Not Be There", either within you, and for a little
while on the "outside" of you, so "God Can Be There" within you, that is, when "you"
successfully learn on the "outside" of you how to get behind "You" on the "outside" of

Bawa.  Which in truth is now Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
on the "outside" of you, who is now "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving
brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of
you, in whom "We Are Well Pleased", that is, with you joining as "One with" Him on
the "outside" of you to learn how to fall into Him as "Your Fire" on the "outside" of you,
making Him your life and limb, surrendering your life and limb to Him, and to what He
is doing on the "outside" of you, which is surrendering His life and limb, to all of My

Bawa.  And with God within you becoming the "True Disciple" of God within the Triple
Flame of God within you, as the One who God brings back into Himself, within God
within You, with You as the Guru within the Triple Flame of God within you, who has
learned how to "Get Out of The Way And Let God", so this can truly happen within
God within you, that is, so the "True Disciple" of God within you, as the One who can
and will truly "Follow God To God" within you, is allowed to do this "Heart's Work"
within you, in partnership with God within you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not

Bawa.  That is, so the True Disciple or your soul or Jesus (peace be upon Him) is
allowed to get "Off of His Cross" within you, of your elemental body within you, as God
pulls out the 5 nails of "your desire" to live on the "outside" of you and sin, that is, of
"your desire" to live a life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of
you, as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your
brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within you,
all of which is "Just Not True".

Bawa.  And then, as the liberated soul joins as "One with" You within you, that is, with
the Guru within the Triple Flame of God within you, which is the awakened wisdom
within you, to go in search of, find, and fall back into the Primal One in Aathi within
God within you, but this time with an understanding of "Your Oneness", so it will never
leave You again, and in this way, allowing God to "Finish Telling His Story" within God
within you, allowing God to Tell and bring to Completion the "Story of the Oneness of
God and True Man" within God within you, allowing God to return God to God within
you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, if you like, for the Choice is
your, not God's.

Bawa.  And in this way, with God within you becoming the True Student of God within
You, with You becoming the "School of Contrast" within you, and with You then inviting
the True Student of God within you to come and study Wisdom within you, in the
"School of Contrast" within you, and then You will be the Witness.  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, with God within you becoming the One who can Truly Pray
within you, with You becoming the "Prayer Mat" within you, and with You then inviting
the One who can Truly Pray within you to came and stand on You as His Prayer Mat,
and pray to God within you, and then You will be the Witness.  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, with God within you becoming the One who can Truly Farm
the Earth within you, growing the "Crop of God" within you, so in the End, God can
then "Harvest You as His Crop" within you, as "His Property" within you, and save you
from becoming the "harvest of The Beast" within you, as "his property", when "The
Beast" finally comes out of at least one of My Children, which will most certainly
happen in the lifetime of My Children, with You, if you like, becoming the "Purified
Earth" within you, that is, with You again becoming Adam (peace be upon Him) within
you, having recovered from "His Fall" within you, again without a mother or father, as
Adam (peace be upon Him) was originally Created by God within you.

Bawa.  But this time with an understanding of "His Fall", and this time with the Eye of
Wisdom, the Nur Muhammad permanently open within you, so satan can no longer
approach and spit on Adam (peace be upon Him) within you, and again weaken him,
making him ready to fall from God's grace, from "God's Presence", from "God's
Intention", and from "God's Story", into "your presence", and into "your intention", and
into "your story", which is the current state of you and all of My Children, all of which
is what you will receive in the End, if you are not wise, if you don't wise up to this truth
of You, and of God within You, and fall into Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be
pleased with Him), both within you, and for a little while, on the "outside" of you.  For in
truth, there is no other way to do it.

Bawa.  And with You then inviting the One who can Truly Farm the Earth of God within
you, to come and Farm your earth, to farm Adam (peace be upon Him) within you,
which in truth is God within you, which is "Us" within you, and God within "Us", to
came and cut down all of the "wild things" that have grown within you, in your
ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, all of the "wild things" that you
have now become "one with" and which now define you, as Curtis living on the
"outside" of you, as "separate from", with Curtis holding onto, loving, trusting, and
playing with the "Stuff of Curtis" both within you, and for a little while, on the "outside"
of you, playing with it day in and day out, as "my love", as "my life",  as "my wife", as
"my job", as "my understanding", as "my Bawa", as "my Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
Fellowship", as "my family", as "my body", and now as "my Louie", and on and on and

Bawa.  And instead of all of this, all of this silliness, with you stepping back, before
you "Say or Do or Write" anything, as this child has learned to do, inviting God to Step
Forward, by saying the Word "Bawa" or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" or "Shaikh
Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (may God be pleased with Him, and with
Us), and after briefly reflecting upon what God has placed before you, "Be Done With
It", saying to God,

          "Thank You O God, No Thank You O God, What's Next?"

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
12.  Let God Plow You Under - with the Enlightening Words of the Qutbiyyat,
destroying all of the darkness and evil that has grown upon you, all of the lives of earth, fire, water, air, and either, as lives of "separation and differences", that has grown within you in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, and "Let God Sew" the "Seeds of God" within "The Earth of God" within you, which in truth is "your current state", as "one with" the Creations of God within you, and grow "God's Crop" within you, and "Harvest God's Crop" within you, with God claiming "You" as "His Property", before "you" die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of
My Children, and harvests you as "his crop", claiming "you" as "his property", and drags you yelling and screaming to hell, as "his property", after "The Beast" is destroyed by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, that is, if you are not wise, that is, if you do not wise up, before it is too late, and become
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) within you, by first become "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) for a little while still on the "outside" of you, if you like, for to accept "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) as such for your life, as in truth "Your Judgment" and "Your Salvation" for your age and for your life, is most certainly your Choice, not God's, that is, is your Choice, not "Our Choice" within you, and not "God's Choice" within "Us" within you. Ok?

Bawa. And in this way, and only in this way, allowing God within you, which is allowing "Us" within you, and God within "Us", to plow you under with the Enlightening Words of the Qutbiyyat, and plant the "Seeds of God", and water and grow the "Crop of God" within you, for example, by growing the "Tree of God" the Katpaha Virudcham, the "Wish-fulfilling Tree" within you , watering it with, "La illaha Ill Allahu Muhammadar Rasul Allah", with the truck becoming Iman, and the branches becoming the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God, and with the fruits becoming the 6,666 Verses of the Holy Qur'an, and with the mature fruits becoming the "Sweet Taste of God", with True Man within God coming to taste each Fruit of God, and distribute it for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within Man and within God, and within God and within Man, and then You will be the Witness.  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, if "you" on the "outside" of you would like to become You within you, would like to become the Triple Flame of God within you, would like to become what can truly "Lead, Get Out of The Way, and Follow" within you, with You as the Guru within you, with the Guru as God within you, and with God as the True Disciple within God within you, coming together as "One with" you, revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, then Stop all of your silliness on the "outside" of you, by falling into the "Fire of God" known as Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, if you like, making His life your life, making His words your words, making His duty your duty, that is, putting all that you are, all that you know, all that you have, into the ocean, and getting behind Him, and never getting out in front of Him.  That would be Good.

Bawa.  And it is truly just this simple, as "We" have told you over, and over, and over again, for the last 7 months, since God put us together in a "New Special Way", that is, as "Father-Son/Son-Father", and for the last 30 some years since God put "Us" together as brothers, as "OlderBrother-YoungerBrother/YoungerBrother-OlderBrother".

Bawa.  And as "We" will continue to tell you until the End, for there is nothing else to say, or to do, and all that is stopping it is you, is your desire to keep what God has discarded within you, to become God within you, is your failure to step up and be Cured, of what ails you, which is "you" living as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" each other, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within you, all of which is "Just Not True", which is your failure to "Let God Cure Himself of you", which in truth is to let God "Cure Himself of himself", for in truth You are "God Happening" within the Creation of God within Him within you, if you like, as God within You is "True Man Happening" within "God Happening" within the Creation of God within Him within you, and this is "The Truth" of You, and of God within you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's.  Amen.  Ok?

Bawa.  That is, if you like, if "you" would like to experience the Next Level of "You", as the Next Chapter in Your Story, as the rest of the 18.000 Universes within you, other than the first 1000 Universes that you have now opened within you, all of which is now the "Dot under the letter Ba" within you, all of which is now the world of darkness and evil that has now grown within you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, if you will only join in partnership with God within you, which in truth is now
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him), both within you, and for a little while, on the "outside" of you, if you will only Stop all of your silliness on the "outside" of you, all of which continues to be reflected in your questions, as it is in your life, as it is in your family, as it is in your job, as it is in your relationships, and in your prayers, and in your learning, and in your duty, and in your thinking, and in your speech.

Bawa.  And the Choice is yours, not God's, so join in partnership with God within you to Start living your life on the "outside" of you as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of you, and in this way, truly surrendering your life and limb to Him on the "outside" of you, and to what
He is doing on the "outside" of you, which is surrendering His life and limb to My Children. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  And then all that you have asked for in your three questions will naturally occur, both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, and this is "God's Promise", this is "God's Guarantee" for your age, and for your life, and for the live of all of My Children.

Bawa.  For the only Cure of you, and of each of My Children, is God within you, is God finishing what God has started within you, which is God revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, not "you" successfully finishing each day the readings and prayers that "We" have been given to do, and not "you getting rid of" your perception of other people as being "separate from" you, and not "you" sharing with others what you and this child share together in these beautiful sharings, and not "you" getting a full 6 or 8 hours of sleep each night.

Bawa. These things were only give to you, both now, that is, over the last 6-7 months, and throughout your entire life, for you to awaken to your ignorance, and to your arrogance about your ignorance, and to realize that all of these things, and many, many other things that are just waiting to be handed to you to do, can only be done by God within you, can only be properly done within you when you properly "step back" on the "outside" of you, that is, when you truly and properly join in partnership with God within you, to learn how to do "Nothing Correctly".

Bawa. That is, when you start to properly use what God has given you, for your age and for you life, which is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), both within you, and for a little while, on the "outside" of you, with the belief that when you fall into "His Fire" on the "outside" of you, then "You are within God" within you, allowing God within you to "Step forward" within you, and "Be Present" within you, and do whatever needs to be done within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, that is, for you, and for all of My Children, and for all of the Creation of God, within Man and within God, and with God and within Man.

Bawa.  For example, like allowing you to stand in "Your Judgment", now before the End, which is now the "Word of God" for your age and your life, spoken now through the "Word of God made flesh" for your age and your life, which is now Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, which on the "outside" of you is "Our" dearest loving Son and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), in whom "We Are Well Pleased".

Bawa.  For as Jesus (peace be upon Him) told you over 2000 years ago, as recorded by the Disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him), who was the 13 Disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him), who was the True Disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him), the One "Loved by Jesus" (peace be upon Him), that is, as recorded in the "Gospel of John", as the following:

          "Verily, verily, I say unto to you, He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him
          that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is
          passed from death unto life".

[Note: To read an on-line copy of "Chapter 5" in the "Gospel of John" ( which is the 4th Gospel in the Holy Bible, please chick above or HERE (  Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]

Bawa.  And allowing you to experience "Your Salvation", that is, when you truly accept "These Words" as the "Word of God" for your age and for your life, as spoken and now written by the "Word of God make flesh" for your age and for your life, and join as "One with" Him to write them on the tablet of your heart, so in the End, these "Words of God" for your age and your life, spoken by God for your age and life, transcend your grave, and grow into Akhirah and the 8 Heavens within you, as an eternal life within you as "One with" God within you for eternity. Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, Stop of your current silliness, like "my family", and "my job", and "my understanding", and "my journey", and "my time", and "my sleep", and "my separation and differences", and  "my effort", and "my prayers", and "my sharings", and "my sleep", and "my wife and children", and instead fall into the "Fire of God" for you age and your life on the "outside" of you, so you too can understand right and wrong, good and bad, truth and falsehood directly, so in that state of wisdom, all things will be explained from within you.

Bawa. And then you have become the Guru or Shaikh for your age, for all of My Children, which have now become "Your Children", You will have become that aspect of the Triple Flame of God within you, who has learned how to "Get Our of The Way", so God can reveal God to God within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while, for the benefit of all of My Children, who have now become "Your Children",  if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice is yours, not "Our Choice" within you, and not "God's Choice" within "Us", and certainly not Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen's Choice (may God be pleased with Him), either within you or for a little while on the "outside" of you. Ok?

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, fall into the "Fire of God" for your age and for your life, to Stop all of "your" trying to "Say or Do or Write" things in the world, Stop all of "your" making "you doing things" as your only measure of progress on the "Path of God, for in truth "Only God can Pray" to God, "Only God can do God's duty", only God can make your mind sit down, and Your Wisdom stand up, only God can make the "one" who is Speaking or Doing or Writing sit down or Stop, and Only God can make the Motionless All Pervading One within you, who is the Omniscient Silent One within you, Speak or Move or Write. Ok?

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, none of this "Heart's Work" can happen within you, as long as you refuse to give up the current "mind and desire world" on the illusory "outside" of you, as long as you refuse to give up the "very real but false" inside of you, and the current illusory "outside" of you, and instead "Let God" within you, that is, and "Let God Finish" what God is doing with what is "Within God" within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, all of which is beyond the reach of "Who you currently are", and "Where you currently are", and "What is currently happening" in your life.

Bawa. For example, like the Qualities of God like, Sabur or Inner and Outer Patience, Shukur or Contentment and Gratitude, Tawwakul Allah or Trust in God within you, and Al-hamdu lillah or Praising God for whatever happens to you, and  for what God places before you, and what God takes away from "your presence", including your current life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of you, and Allahu Akbar, or the realization that in truth, "Only God is Great", that is, only God can do anything with anything. Ok?

Bawa. But there is a "Great Secret" related to this "Great Gift" that you, and all of My Children, keep failing to understand, My dearest loving Son and Daughter
Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with You, and with Him), you still want the "Great Gift", you still want the "Ideals of God", you still want to have what "you" think God has, and what "you" think God does, and what "you" think God understands, you still in truth "Want God", but you will not let yourself end, like an apple seed ends, to become the apple tree, you will not let youself as the "Seed of God" buried within the earth of God, end, to "Become God".

Bawa.  You will not join as "One with" God within you, to let "you" as "separate from" end, to let "You" as "One with" begin, to let "You" happen, to "Let God happen" again,
but this time
within you, because God is One, because God is "One with" everything, both within and without, and you are currently "separate from" everything, both within and without.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
13.  The Only Problem - with you and all of My Children, is that you want both, and you cannot have both, you cannot have both God and what God has discarded, you cannot have both "Oneness with" and "separation from", one has to leave so the other can come

Bawa.  This is the only problem, with you and all of My Children, is that you want both, and you cannot have both, you cannot have both God and what God has discarded, you cannot have both "Oneness with" and "separation from", one has to leave so the other can come.

Bawa.  For example, the apple seed buried within the earth must die, must germinate to the truth of its life, so the apple tree hidden within it can grow within the earth, can live, and reveal the "Fruits of its life", because "That is how it works", and not any of your trying to "tweak" somehow "you" and the "outside" of you will work, that is, to make "you" and the "outside" of you somehow "work better", so you can somehow still keep the current "you" and "outside" of you, and also get the next better "you" and "outside" of you.

Bawa.  But this will not work, no matter what you choose to call it, that is, heaven or hell, for it is all the same, it is all hell, it is all "separation" from God within you, all of which will never work to give you "Oneness with God", or even "Nearness to God, as you and My Children still mistekenly believe.  So what to do?

Bawa.  And, "What to do?" is to begin to understand, without the slightest doubt, the
of your current life of darkness and evil, of your little self-deception, of your hypocrisy, both within you and for a little while on the illusory "outside" of you, the consequences which in truth is an eternal hell within you of "separation from" God within you, which in truth is an eternal "separation" within you from "You" within you, that is, from the "Truth of You", and from the "Truth of God" within you,

Bawa.  An eternal "separation" within you from all which "Truly Defines You", an eternal "separation" within you from all which truly explains "Who You Are", and "Where You Are", and "What Is Happening" in your life, all of which you are not
currently experiencing, instead for some reason
becoming mistakenly satisfied with what "falsely defines you", with the "lie of you", all of which you currently refuse to give up, no matter what, no matter what God says and shows you to the contrary, like this beautiful Spiritual Letter, that in truth "You and God" are One.  Amen.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
14.  Closing Prayer - and closing wisdom point, like letting Chapters 1 and 2
end within you, and letting Chapter 3 begin within you, in "God's Story", within you,
while you still can.  For example, in "God's Story" within you, as beautifully
explained in the Suratul Fatihah, with you allowing Chapter 1 within you, which is the
"Beginning or Creation" or the "World of Souls" within you, or Awwul, or Rabil Alameen, within you, and Chapter 2 within you, which is "Crossing The Bridge, or the Crossing Over" within you, from the "Beginning to the End" within you, or this "Earth World" or the Dunya, or Rahman and Rahim, within you, come to an end, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, so now Chapter 3 within you, or "The End Game" or "Judgment and Salvation" or Akhirah within you, or Your Eternal Life, or
Maliki yawmid-deen
, or "Master of the Day of Judgment" within you, can begin, within you, BEFORE you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" harvests you as "his crop", as "his property", and drags you yelling and screaming to hell within you, to an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, all of which is your current state, is your fate, Grasshopper, and the current state and fate of My Children, if you are not wise, if you don't wise up before it is too late to do so, if you don't let your "Wisdom reason over your fate", as you have now started to do, Grasshopper. Ok?

Bawa. May all the peace, the beneficence, that the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children. May God be pleased with all of My Children. Amen.

Bawa. Please give "Our" love and salams to all of My Children.  Please tell them that
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) loves them very, very much, and that they are always in "Our" prayers.

Bawa. And as always, please join as "One with" Us within you, and with God within "Us" to share this sharing with them, by realizing that "You" have to "Lead, Follow, and Get Out of The Way" within you, all Three within you, as One within you, if your life is to become truly successful in your lifetime.

Bawa.  In this way, and only in this way, letting that "Which Can Lead' Lead from within "You", and letting that "Which Can Follow" Follow from within "You", and letting that "Which Can Get Out of The Way" Get Out of The Way from within "You", all of which is the Triple Flame of God within "You", as "One" within you, if you like, if you will only "Let It Happen" within you, if you will only join in partnership with God within you, to let what has to leave, leave both within you, and for a little while, leave on the "outside" of you, leave, so that which can Come Forward within you, which is the Triple Flame of God within you, as "One" within you, which in truth "Is You", which is the 6th level of wisdom within you, comes Forward within you, and lets God finish what God has started within you, a very, very long time ago, which is also "You", if you like, which is God within God within you, if you like, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, all of which becomes God and the Understanding of God within God within you, if you like. Amen.

Bawa.  All of which is the wisdom of the Qutbiyyat of God within you, allowing God to Step Forward within you, causing your mind to sit down, causing "God to be Present" within You, allowing God to "Pass Judgment" upon you, allowing "Your Salvation" to occur within you, if you like, that is, for God to "Pass Judgment" upon You, upon all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while, on your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, and for God to become "Your Salvation" within you, if you like, with Your heart becoming the 8 Heavens of God within you, as Akhirah or the Hereafter within you, Here and Now within you.

Bawa.  With Your wisdom becoming the Light of Your wisdom, or the Nur Muhammad within you, revealing True Prayer within you, and with the Light of Your wisdom becoming the Light of Truth within you, allowing God to reveal True Man within God within you, as "True Man's Bank" within "God's Bank", and "True Man's Prayer" within
God's Prayer, within you, and as the Din or Deen within the Din or Deen, as the Understanding of the Power within the Essence of Everything, within the Power within the Essence of Everything, allowing God to Completely Answer His Question, of God within Anathi within you, the Question, "Who am I", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, so in the End, "No Child Is Left Behind", so in the End, there is nothing still "separating God" from God within you, and in the End, all that is left is God, and the Understanding of God, and "You will be within it", if you like, as the Witness Amen.

Bawa. My love you - Shaikh Muhnammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

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Spiritual Letter 119
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Spiritual Letter 119 ------------"E-mail Version" ----- About Spiritual Letter 119
Title of Spiritual Letter:                                                            -- Go To "Expanded Title"
          "Fall Into The "Fire of God" For Your Age And For Your Life,
            Which Is "Your Oneness", Before You Die To The Flesh,
      And You Get Your Current "Fire of Hell" For Eternity,
            Which Is Your Current Life of "Separation And Differences",
      The "Fire of God" Which For Your Age And For Your Life
            Is Now The Life And Teaching of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
            (may God be pleased with Him),
      Both Within You, And For A Little While,
            On The "Outside" of You, If You Like,
            For The Choice Is Yours, Not God's".

Time Period Written:  January, 2007
Written by:  Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), who now on the "outside" of you is His Children, if you like
Written toThe Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), who now is everyone living in your age, if you like

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                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
"Brief Outline" - of Spiritual Letter 119
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Brief Outline"
1.  Opening Greetings - My love you
2.  The Importance Of Looking At "My Life" - during the day in order to see what
         point(s) can be brought before Our Dear Father in these sharings at night. Being
         honest about seeing what this child needs help with and asking for that help
3.  The True Contrast of Life - that allows true understanding to occur, because true
          understanding only occurs through True Contrast
4.  Everything Is Always Perfect - as the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon Him)
          showed you over 4000 years ago, with you and each of My Children becoming
          completely content with being in "Your pit of fire"

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Brief Outline"
5.  The "Great Gift" of God For Your Life - is for God within you to give you and
          demonstrate this True Contrast for you, in your lifetime,
6.  Allowing God To "Cure Himself of You" - which in truth is God "Curing Himself
          of himself", of your current life as the "Enemy of your soul" within you
7.  Changing Bank Accounts - from withdrawing from "your bank" of darkness and
          evil that has grown within you in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your
          ignorance, and is only leading you to an eternal hell within you as "separate from"
          God within you, to withdrawing from "God's Bank" within you, that God has grown
          within Himself for you, in order to "Save You", if you will only let Him,
8.  Let God "Make The One Who Is Speaking Silent" - and the "One who is Silent
          Speak", both within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and
          for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of all of your brothers and
          sisters, if you like, for that in truth is the "Silent Zikr", not what any of My
          Children are currently doing
9.  Join With Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) - on the "outside" of you, so your can
          become Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, for
          the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while, for the
          benefit of all of your brothers and sisters

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Brief Outline"
10.  Become The "True Consciousness" Within You - which is the Qutb or Triple
          Flame of God within you, which is what is within the Qutb within you, which is
          "Us" within you, which is "God, the Soul, and Goodness" within the Qutb of God
          within you,
11.  Lead, And Follow, And Get Out of The Way - all of which truly defines the
          station of the Triple Flame of God within you, which you must join in partnership
          with God within you, to estabish within you, all of which in truth is "Us" within
          you, and God within "Us" within you, that is, in order to estabish the "Presence of
          God" within you, allowing "God to Speak" from within you, to all of the Creation of
          God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to allow "God to
          Speak" from within you to your brothers and sisters, as your "Judgment and
          Salvation", for your age and for your life, if you like
12.  Let God Plow You Under - with the Enlightening Words of the Qutbiyyat,
          destroying all of the darkness and evil that has grown upon you, all of the lives of
          earth, fire, water, air, and either, as lives of "separation and differences", that has
          grown within you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance,
          and "Let God Sew" the "Seeds of God" within "The Earth of God" within you,
          which in truth is "your current state", as "one with" the Creations of God within
          you, and grow "God's Crop" within you, and "Harvest God's Crop" within you, with
          God claiming "You" as "His Property", before "you" die to the flesh, and before
          "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children, and harvests you as "his
          crop", claiming "you" as "his property", and drags you yelling and screaming to
          hell, as "his property", after "The Beast" is destroyed by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
          (may God be pleased with Him) within you, that is, if you are not wise, that is, if
          you do not wise up, before it is too late

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
13.  The Only Problem - with you and all of My Children, is that you want both, and
          you cannot have both, you cannot have both God and what God has discarded,
          you cannot have both "Oneness with" and "separation from", one has to leave so
          the other can come
14.  Closing Prayer - and closing wisdom point, like letting Chapters 1 and 2 end,
          and letting Chapter 3 begin, in "God's Story" within you, while you still can.

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                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
"Longer Outline" - of Spiritual Letter 119
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
1.  Opening Greetings - My love you
2.  The Importance Of Looking At "My Life" - during the day in order to see what
point(s) can be brought before Our Dear Father in these sharings at night. Being
honest about seeing what this child needs help with and asking for that help
3.  The True Contrast of Life - that allows true understanding to occur, because true
understanding only occurs through True Contrast, that is, between what you have
grown within your heart in your ignorance and arrogance about your ignorance, and
what God has grown within Himself within you, both for "Your Judgment" and for "Your
Salvation" if you like, that is the Contrast between the Ideals of God, which the true
gnana guru brings into the world, and the life of the true disciple, which each of My
Children has brought into the world

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                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
4.  Everything Is Always Perfect - as the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon Him) showed you over 4000 years ago, with you and each of My Children becoming completely content with being in "Your pit of fire", as the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon Him) did, making "Your knowing that God knows" enough for your life, realizing that in this way, that you have truly done "Your Part", which is to affirm the truth with absolute faith and trust in God, with Iman, that in truth, "You do not exist", that in truth, "It is God who exists", and it is God who is conducting your life, not you, and having done this, "Your Part", at each moment, with each breath, with each look, with each word, with each taste, and with each thought, then you have finished "Your Work", for that moment, surrendering the responsibility to God for everything else, and in this way, you have finished "Your Work" which is to know God's work, and God's work is all work

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                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
5.  The "Great Gift" of God For Your Life - is for God within you to give you and demonstrate this True Contrast for you, in your lifetime, for previous ages through His 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God, and now in your age, through your dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), and now on the "outside" of you, through His Children, through the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Us) who "Got it right", when Bawa was still living with you in the world, and have now come to maturity, like our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), if you like, that is, to demonstrate this True Contrast for you, between your life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of you, and His life of "Oneness and Unity", of "Justice and Truth", of
"Compassion and Unity" within you, and for a little while, on the "outside" of you, so you can give up "your life", as the "fire of hell" burning within you, and fall into "His Life" as the "Fire of God" burning within Him, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children and destroys the "outside" of you for all of you

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
6.  Allowing God To "Cure Himself of You" - which in truth is God "Curing Himself of himself", of your current life as the "Enemy of your soul" within you, as the impure birth that has crucified your pure birth, which is your soul or Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you, crucified on the cross of your elemental body, with your 5 nails of "your desire" to live on the "outside" of you, so you could sin, so you could continue to live on the "outside" of you a life of "selfishness", of sin, until you die to the flesh, and go to the "suffering of the grave", or "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children, and "harvests you" as "his crop", as "his property", if you are not wise, if you don't wise up before it is to late to become "God's Crop", and become subject to "God's Harvest', and in this way, become "God's Property", in the End.
7.  Changing Bank Accounts - from withdrawing from "your bank" of darkness and evil that has grown within you in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, and is only leading you to an eternal hell within you as "separate from" God within you, to withdrawing from "God's Bank" within you, that God has grown within Himself for you, in order to "Save You", if you will only let Him, if you will only join in partnership with Him, both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to learn how to Change Bank Accounts, while you still can, before you die to the flesh and get everything in "your bank" for eternity, and before "The Beast" harvests everything in "your bank" as "his crop", as "his property", and drags you off yelling and screaming to his reward for eternity, which is an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you. Ok?

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
8.  Let God "Make The One Who Is Speaking Silent" - and the "One who is Silent Speak", both within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, if you like, for that in truth is the "Silent Zikr", not what any of My Children are currently doing, that is, in order to "Pass Judgment" upon you, if you like, and if you like, in order to give you "True Salvation", if you like, before you die to the flesh, that is, before it is to late to do this "Heart's Work" within you, and in the End, an eternal hell within you becomes your lot, not because of anything God has done or failed to do, or that "We" within you have done or failed to do, but rather because that is "What you want", that is what you keep telling God that your want for eternity, a life of "separation and differences", that you keep telling God, not by your words, but rather by your actions in the world, your actions of "separation and differences", of "mine of yours", of "I and you", so what is God to do, but in the End, to give you exactly what you want. Ok?

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
9.  Join With Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) - on the "outside" of you, so your can
become Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, for
the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while, for the
benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, as "Our" dearest loving Son, and your
dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
has now done, in whom "We Are Well Pleased". Amen
10.  Become The "True Consciousness" Within You - which is the Qutb or Triple Flame of God within you, which is what is within the Qutb within you, which is "Us" within you, which is "God, the Soul, and Goodness" within the Qutb of God within you, that is, within "Us" within you, and which is God, the Guru, and the True Disciple within you, coming together as "One" within you, which is the Understanding of the Qutb of God within you, if you like, with you becoming the Guru within you, with "Us" within you as the Qutb of God within you, becoming God within You, and with God within "Us" within you becoming the True Disciple within God within you, and in this way, with God raising the True Disciple to the station of God within you, through Understanding within you, that is, with God gradually revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, if you like, if you will only let Him, if you will only join Him as such, and "Let God Finish" within you, that is, Let God Finish what God has started within you, a very, very long time ago, which is "Answering His Question" of Himself within you, for the benefit of "His Light", or "your soul", and of all of the impure souls born within His Light, or "your soul", the Question, "Who am I?", which when Answered, allowing His Light, or "your soul", and His impure souls, or the Creation of God within you, to fall back into Him, as Him and His Understanding, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's. Amen

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
11.  Lead, And Follow, And Get Out of The Way - all of which truly defines the station of the Triple Flame of God within you, which you must join in partnership with God within you, to estabish within you, all of which in truth is "Us" within you, and God within "Us" within you, that is, in order to estabish the "Presence of God" within you, allowing "God to Speak" from within you, to all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to allow "God to Speak" from within you to your brothers and sisters, as your "Judgment and Salvation", for your age and for your life, if you like, all of which in truth is the true "Silent Zikr" or true prayer to God within you.  And to at least truly start to do this within you before it is too late, to do this "Heart's Work" within you, that is, to truly "Start to Establish" God Speaking from within you, in partnership with God within you, and for a little while, in partnership with God on the "outside" of you, which now is "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God pleased with Him), that is, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children, and harvest you as "his crop", as "his property", and drags you yelling and screaming to hell within you, that is, if you don't wise up, and start to properly use what God has now given you, if you like, so your life can truly become successful in your lifetime, for the Choice is yours, not God's. Ok?

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
12.  Let God Plow You Under - with the Enlightening Words of the Qutbiyyat,
destroying all of the darkness and evil that has grown upon you, all of the lives of earth, fire, water, air, and either, as lives of "separation and differences", that has grown within you in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, and "Let God Sew" the "Seeds of God" within "The Earth of God" within you, which in truth is "your current state", as "one with" the Creations of God within you, and grow "God's Crop" within you, and "Harvest God's Crop" within you, with God claiming "You" as "His Property", before "you" die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of
My Children, and harvests you as "his crop", claiming "you" as "his property", and drags you yelling and screaming to hell, as "his property", after "The Beast" is destroyed by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, that is, if you are not wise, that is, if you do not wise up, before it is too late, and become
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) within you, by first become "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) for a little while still on the "outside" of you, if you like, for to accept "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) as such for your life, as in truth "Your Judgment" and "Your Salvation" for your age and for your life, is most certainly your Choice, not God's, that is, is your Choice, not "Our Choice" within you, and not "God's Choice" within "Us" within you. Ok?

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Introduction"
13.  The Only Problem - with you and all of My Children, is that you want both, and you cannot have both, you cannot have both God and what God has discarded, you cannot have both "Oneness with" and "separation from", one has to leave so the other can come
14.  Closing Prayer - and closing wisdom point, like letting Chapters 1 and 2 end,
and letting
Chapter 3 begin, in "God's Story", within you, while you still can. 
For example, in "God's Story" within you, as beautifully explained in the Suratul Fatihah, with you allowing Chapter 1 within you, which is the "Beginning or Creation" or the "World of Souls" or Awwul, or Rabil Alameen, within you, and Chapter 2 within you, which is "Crossing The Bridge, or the Crossing Over" within you, from the "Beginning to the End" within you, or this "Earth World" or the Dunya, or Rahman and Rahim, within you, come to an end, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, so now Chapter 3 within you, which is now "The End Game" or "Judgment and Salvation" within you, or Akhirah, or Your Eternal Life, or Maliki yawmid-deen, or "Master of the Day of Judgment" within you, can begin, within you, BEFORE you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" harvests you as "his crop", as "his property", and
drags you
yelling and screaming to hell within you, to an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, all of which is your current state, is your fate, Grasshopper, and the current state and fate of My Children, if you are not wise, if
you don't wise up before it is too late to do so, if you don't let your "Wisdom reason
your fate", as you have now started to do, Grasshopper. Ok?

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Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 119
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Opening Greetings - from Heart to Heart

Bawa.  Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

Bawa.  Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), My dearest loving GrandChildren, Sons and Daughters, and Brothers and Sisters, and all of My Children  - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us).  Amen.

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About Spiritual Letter 119
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                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title"
Bawa.  Here is Page 1 of 1 of the E-mail Version of a beautiful Spiritual Letter,
Spiritual Letter 119", to all of My Children, which in truth is everyone living in your age, if you like, that is, if your true intention for the life within you, that is, for your soul life, for your 6th life, for your Light Life within you, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you, is to again become "One with" God within you, before you die to the flesh and get an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, that is, to again become "One with" God within you, but this time with an understanding of "Your Oneness", so it will never leave you again. Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, "A True Love Letter" to "Our" dearest loving Son and Daughter
Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Them, and with Us) at the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, if you like. Amen

Bawa.  A beautiful Spiritual Letter which "We" have given the following "Short Title",

          "Fall Into The "Fire of God" For Your Age And For Your Life,
            Which Is "Your Oneness", Before You Die To The Flesh,
      And You Get Your Current "Fire of Hell" For Eternity,
            Which Is Your Current Life of "Separation And Differences",
      The "Fire of God" Which For Your Age And For Your Life
            Is Now The Life And Teaching of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
            (may God be pleased with Him),
      Both Within You, And For A Little While,
            On The "Outside" of You, If You Like,
            For The Choice Is Yours, Not God's".

Bawa.  And a beautiful Spiritual Letter which "We" have given the following
"Expanded Title" (at least in concept, if not just in words), if you like,

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Expanded Title
of Spiritual Letter 119
                                                                      - go To "Opening Greetings"
                                                                      - go To "About Spiritual Letter 119"
                                                                      - go to "Related Material"

"Join In Partnership With God Within You,
To Realize
That The Focus Of Our Life
Must Now Be Upon
The Life And Teaching of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(May God Be Pleased With Him, And With Us)
On The "Outside" Of You,
Upon Becoming A Slave To Him And His Work
Now On The "Outside" Of You,
As He Has Now Become
A Slave To Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(May God Be Pleased With Him, And With Us)
Within You And Within All Of My Children.
Upon Becoming A Slave To His Work
Within You And Within All Of My Children,
Which Now Is You Within You,
And My Children Within My Children,
For Only Then Can It Work,
Only Then Can Your Life
Truly Become Truly Successful In Our Lifetime,
Only Then Can Your Wisdom Reason Over Your Fate,
For Only Then Can You And My Children
Again Become "Your Oneness",
Before You Die To The Flesh,
Become The Understanding Of "Your Oneness",
So It Will Never Leave You Again.
Amen. Ok?"

Bawa.  A Spiritual Letter from God within us all, to the Children of God for this age, which continues to "outline" for you what most of My Children are currently doing wrong, and how to correct their mistake using My Children, that is, using Those of
My Children
who have truly learned from "Us" how to do it right, so in the end, there will be "No Child Left Behind" within you, that is, there will be nothing still "separating God" from God within you.

Bawa.  May God all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all
of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of
My Children
.  Amen.

Bawa. My love you - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

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                                                                      - go to "Related Spiritual Letters"
Related Material - to Spiritual Letter 119

Bawa.  For more on these wisdom points, and the significance of this Spiritual Letter to all of My Children, please click on the Title of the Following Material that is also provided as part of the On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (www.Bawa.homestead.
com), both as Related Spiritual Chats (, followed by Related Spiritual Letters ( all of which is from God within "Us" all, to the Children of God for your age, if you like:

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                                                                      - go to "Related Spiritual Letters"
Related Spiritual Chats: [Home Page (]

Spiritual Chat 392 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 383 - E-mail Version
- In Process - (
Spiritual Chat 369 - E-mail Version
- In Process - (
Spiritual Chat 368 - E-mail Version
- In Process - (
Spiritual Chat 367 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 366 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 362 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 360 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 359 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 358 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 349 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 347 - E-mail Version

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                                                                      - go to "E-mail Version"
Related Spiritual Letters: [Home Page (]

Spiritual Letter 118 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 117 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 116 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 115 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 114 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 113 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 112 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 111 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 110 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 109 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 108 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 107 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 106 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 105 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 104 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 103 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 102 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 101 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 100 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 99 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 98 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 97 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 96 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 95 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 94 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 93 - E-mail Version
          Expanded Introduction - for Spiritual Letter 93
Spiritual Letter 92 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 91 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 90 - E-mail Version
          Opening Comments - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (With a New Expanded Version of Opening Comments, and
                    with an "Outline & Summary")
          Related Material - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (With a New Introduction, that is,
                    with a New Summary of Spiritual Letter 90)
          More About Controlling Your Thoughts - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (Plus some Background Information about
                    the New Book "A Book of Our Love" by "The Children",
                    that Bawa Instructed Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Rick Hacket)
                    and Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) to start to write together)

Bawa.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of
My Children.  May God help all of My ChildrenMay God be pleased with all of My Children. Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us).

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                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
E-mail Version - of Spiritual Letter 119

1.  Opening Greetings - My love you

Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.

Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluh. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children. May God be pleased with all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
2.  The Importance Of Looking At "My Life" - during the day in order to see what point(s) can be brought before Our Dear Father in these sharings at night. Being honest about seeing what this child needs help with and asking for that help specifically

Bawa.  Thank for reading again and reflecting upon the beautiful Spiritual Chat that "We" had last June, on 6-02-06, that is, "Spiritual Chat 263" (www.SpiritualChat, which "We" gave the following "Short Title",

"Make Bawa Within You,
And God Within Him Your Squaw,
Letting Them Serve You,
Both Within You,
And For A Little While On The "Outside" of You,
For In Truth
This Is The True Shaikh-Disciple Relationship
Both Within You,
And For A Little While On The "Outside" of You"

Bawa.  And Yes, My dearest loving Son Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), what you said in response to Spiritual Chat 263, is most certainly true, for your following observation is at the very heart of your relationship with God within you, that is, of your relationship with "Us" within you, and with God within "Us", that is, of the "True Shaikh-Disciple Relationship" awaiting to be awakened within you, and each of My Children, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice is yours, not "Our Choice" within you, and not "God's Choice" within "Us" within you, and that is for sure.

Bawa.  For, as you said, "You" now realize,

          "The importance of looking at "my" life during the day in order to see what point(s)           can be brought before Our Dear Father in these sharings at night. Being honest
          about seeing what this child needs help with and asking for that help specifically".

Bawa. That is, the importance of looking at "Our" life during the day, by comparing what "We" are doing at each moment in our day, with the "Ideals of God" given to "Us" by God within "Us", for our age and for our life, that is, given to you and all of My Children, for this age and for your life, if you like, that is given by "Us" within you, and by God within "Us".

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
3.  The True Contrast of Life - that allows true understanding to occur, because true understanding only occurs through True Contrast, that is, between what you have grown within your heart in your ignorance and arrogance about your ignorance, and what God has grown within Himself within you, both for "Your Judgment" and for "Your Salvation" if you like, that is the Contrast between the Ideals of God, which the true gnana guru brings into the world, and the life of the true disciple, which each of My Children has brought into the world

Bawa. And after becoming clear on the Contrast, at a particular moment in your day, to join in partnership with God within you to then establish the "Presence of God" within you, and then after briefly reflecting upon the Contrast, hand the Contrast to God within you, that is, to "Us" within you, and to God within "Us', and then "Be Done With It", expecting nothing back, that is, handing it with no desire, no attachment, no expectations, no preferences, trusting in God within you, and only in God within you.

Bawa.  And in what is "Within God" within you, which is "God's Bank" within God within you, and in what "God is doing" within "God's Bank" within God within you, which is "True Prayer" within "God's Bank" within God within you, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within "God's Bank" within God within you, and within that, revealing God to God within God within you, which is "True Man's Bank" within "God's Bank" within God within you, and what "True Man is doing" within that, which is "True Man's Prayer" within "God's Prayer" within "True Man's Bank" within "God's Bank" within God within you, which is the "Prayer of the One" within the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within "True Man's Bank" within "God's Bank" within God within you.

Bawa.  And that is "You", that is the Din or Deen within the Din or Deen or the Understanding of the Power within the Essence of Everything within the Power within the Essences of Everything, allowing God to answer the Question asked of God to God, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God that God placed within You, for the benefit of His Creation, and His Son, or Child, or Light within Him, the Question, "Who am I?, so in the End, there is "No Child Left Behind, so in the End, there is Nothing still "separating God" from God within you, and You will be within it, as "The Witness", if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's. Amen

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
4.  Everything Is Always Perfect - as the Prophet Abraham showed you over 4000 years ago, with you and each of My Children becoming completely content with being in "Your pit of fire", as the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon Him) did, making "Your knowing that God knows" enough for your life, realizing that in this way, that you have truly done "Your Part", which is to affirm the truth with absolute faith and trust in God, with Iman, that in truth, "You do not exist", that in truth, "It is God who exists", and it is God who is conducting your life, not you, and having done this, "Your Part", at each moment, with each breath, with each look, with each word, with each taste, and with each thought, then you have finished "Your Work", for that moment, surrendering the responsibility to God for everything else, and in this way, you have finished "Your Work" which is to know God's work, and God's work is all work

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, settling into stillness through the realization that "Everything is always Perfect", as it is, and in this way, becoming completely content with being in "Your pit of fire" as the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon Him) did, making "Your knowing that God know" enough for your life, realizing that in this way, that you have done "Your Part", you have finished "Your Work", which is to know God's work, and God's work is all work.

Bawa. And as "We" taught you when "We" were living in the world,

          "To find fault with anything is to find fault with God, because in truth God is the
          One who is conducting everything. And even to find fault with yourself is to find
          fault with God, because God is the One who is conducting your life, not you."

          "Your entire life and everything that happens to us is conducted by Allah. He is
          the One who carries out everything. He is responsible for the cause and the
          effect "

          "Never have the thought that there is something that you have to do".

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
5.  The "Great Gift" of God For Your Life - is for God within you to give you and demonstrate this True Contrast for you, in your lifetime, for previous ages through His 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God, and now in your age, through your dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), and now on the "outside" of you, through His Children, through the Children of Bawa
Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Us) who "Got it right", when Bawa was still living with you in the world, and have now come to maturity, like our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), if you like, that is, to demonstrate this True Contrast for you, between your life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of you, and His life of "Oneness and Unity", of "Justice and Truth", of "Compassion and Unity" within you, and for a little while, on the "outside" of you, so you can give up "your life", as the "fire of hell" burning within you, and fall into "His Life" as the "Fire of God" burning within Him, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of
My Children
and destroys the "outside" of you for all of you

Bawa. And this is the "Great Gift" of the Guru or Shaikh, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to give you the Contrast, the Contrast between what you are experiencing as "Who you are", and "Where you are", and "What is happening" in your life, and the Truth of "Who You Are", and "Where You Are", and "What Is Happening" in Your Life. Ok?

Bawa. And this is also the "Great Gift" of your life, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for you to join in partnership with God within you to return the Contrast, to God within you, which is also your Guru or Shaikh within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, trusting in God to "Make it So", that is, trusting in God within you to gradually eliminate the Contrast, that is, to eliminate the illusory or apparent distance between you and God, both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, and in this way, and only in this way, to allow God within you to gradually reveal God to God, both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while for the benefit of your brother and sisters on the "outside" of you, if you like. Amen.

Bawa. That is, the Contrast, or the illusory or apparent distance, between the "nature of you", of your current life of darkness and evil, both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, which is a life of "separation and differences" that is a reflection of the lives of darkness and evil growing and living within you, but is seen in your ignorance and in your arrogance as your personal or private life on the illusory "outside" of you, and the "Nature of God" within you, which is "Oneness and Unity", which is "Justice and Truth", and which is "Compassion and Unity, which is the life of the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within God within you, which are the 7 levels of wisdom within God within you, which are the 8 Heavens of God within God within you. Amen. Ok?

Bawa. And in this way, the Contrast between what is "within you" and what is "Within God" within you, and what is "within you" are all of the lives of darkness and evil that God has discarded in becoming God within you, all of which is now "your bank" of darkness and evil within you, which you have grown and brought to maturity within you, in your ignorance, and now in your arrogance about your ignorance, and which now rules over you, with "God's Permission", that is, as the 9 openings of your elemental body, as the co-operative store of the 5 elements within you, for profit, for their profit, not yours, that is, until you join in partnership with God within you, to "See God and Steady God" within you.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
6.  Allowing God To "Cure Himself of You" - which in truth is God "Curing Himself of himself", of your current life as the "Enemy of your soul" within you, as the impure birth that has crucified your pure birth, which is your soul or Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you, crucified on the cross of your elemental body, with your 5 nails of "your desire" to live on the "outside" of you, so you could sin, so you could continue to live on the "outside" of you a life of "selfishness", of sin, until you die to the flesh, and go to the "suffering of the grave", or "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children, and "harvests you" as "his crop", as "his property", if you are not wise, if you don't wise up before it is to late to become "God's Crop", and become subject to "God's Harvest', and in this way, become "God's Property", in the End.

Bawa. In this way, and only in this way, allowing God within you to "Cure Himself of you", which in truth is God "Curing Himself of himself", of your current life as the "Enemy of your soul" within you, as the impure birth that has crucified your pure birth, which is your soul or Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you, crucified on the cross of your elemental body, with your 5 nails of "your desire" to live on the "outside" of you, so you could sin, so you could continue to live on the "outside" of you a life of "selfishness", of sin,

Bawa.  That is, until you die to the flesh, and go to the "suffering of the grave", or "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children, and "harvests you" as "his crop", as "his property", if you are not wise, if you don't wise up before it is to late to become "God's Crop", and become subject to "God's Harvest', and in this way, become "God's Property", in the End. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
7.  Changing Bank Accounts - from withdrawing from "your bank" of darkness and evil that has grown within you in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, and is only leading you to an eternal hell within you as "separate from" God within you, to withdrawing from "God's Bank" within you, that God has grown within Himself for you, in order to "Save You", if you will only let Him, if you will only join in partnership with Him, both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to learn how to Change Bank Accounts, while you still can, before you die to the flesh and get everything in "your bank" for eternity, and before "The Beast" harvests everything in "your bank" as "his crop", as "his property", and drags you off yelling and screaming to his reward for eternity, which is an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you. Ok?

Bawa. All of which is now "your bank" within you, "your bank" of darkness and evil within you, which you keep withdrawing from within you, from "your bank" within you each day, each hour, each moment, with each breath, and in this way, which you continue to use, not matter what, no matter what God tells you and shows you to the contrary, that "You and God" are One, that is, that you refuse to give up, that you continue to use, that you continue to withdraw from "your bank" within you, to "Make it through your day" on the "outside" of you. What to do?.

Bawa. That is, the Contrast between what you have grown within you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, which is "your bank", and that you are now exclusively using within you, each day, each moment, with each breath, to "Make it through your day" on the "outside" of you, that is, the Contrast between "your bank", and what is "Within God" within you, which is "God's Bank" within you, all of which is what God has grown within Himself within you, in order to "Save You" within Him within you, in order to tell and bring to Completion His Story within God within you, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, a Story which you have come to the earth within you, to join in partnership with God within the Creation of God within you, to tell, and allow God to bring to Completion within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to use your life in this way, or not, within you, as how God finishes telling and brings to Completion His Story within you, or not. Ok?

Bawa. That is, "God's Bank" within you, all of which is now Complete and ready for your use within God within you, that is, ready for you to join in partnership with God within you, to Withdraw from within you, for You to Withdraw from each day, each moment, with each breath, to allow God to "Finish What God Has Started" within you, a very, very, long time ago, which is to "Reveal God to God" within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's Choice within you, that is, is not "Our" Choice within you, and is not "God's Choice" within "Us" within you.

Bawa.  But something you and My Children are not currently doing, My dearest loving Son Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen. What to do?

Bawa. And in this way, the Contrast between what you think "you are doing" on the illusory "outside" of you, all of which is "Just Not True", all of which is truly "nothing", no matter what your mind is always telling you, like raising a family, teaching students, being a Child of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), being a member of and helping the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, being a good person, helping our neighbor, all of which is "Just Not True", and what God in truth is always doing within God within you, if you will only let Him, if you will only join in partnership with God within you, which is to let God Finish what God has already started within God within you, a very, very long time ago, which is God revealing God to God within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
8. Let God "Make The One Who Is Speaking Silent" - and the "One who is Silent Speak", both within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, if you like, for that in truth is the "Silent Zikr", not what any of My Children are currently doing, that is, in order to "Pass Judgment" upon you, if you like, and if you like, in order to give you "True Salvation", if you like, before you die to the flesh, that is, before it is to late to do this "Heart's Work" within you, and in the End, an eternal hell within you becomes your lot, not because of anything God has done or failed to do, or that "We" within you have done or failed to do, but rather because that is "What you want", that is what you keep telling God that your want for eternity, a life of "separation and differences", that you keep telling God, not by your words, but rather by your actions in the world, your actions of "separation and differences", of "mine of yours", of "I and you", so what is God to do, but in the End, to give you exactly what you want. Ok?

Bawa. That is, the Contrast between what you think in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance that "you are doing", which in truth is nothing, on the illusory "outside" of you, all of which is "Just Not True", and what God in truth is always doing within you, with what is "Within God" within you, which is "Finishing to Tell and Bring To Completion" the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God and within Man, and within Man and within God, within you, if you like, if you will only let God Finish, if you will only join as "One with" Him, both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, so He can,

          "Make the one who is speaking silent, and the One who is Silent Speak"

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
9.  Join With Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) - on the "outside" of you, so your can become Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you,
for the benefit
of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while, on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of your brothers and sisters, as "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) has now learned how to do, in whom "We Are Well Pleased". Amen

Bawa. But you won't let Him Finish, Grasshopper, you won't truly join Him, in what "He is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, you won't let God use "You" to reveal God to God within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, because you won't give up the "Bad Grasshopper" that has grown within you, and has now come to maturity within you, the "Bad Grasshopper" who only focuses on its "selfish motives", at all times, and eventually becomes "one with" the swarm of locust who destroy the world, in the End, and who go yelling and screaming to hell within you.

Bawa. That is, when in the End, "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children and harvests "his crop" as "his property", and is then sent, along with "his harvest", along with "his property", to an eternal hell within you as "separate from" God within you, by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, the "Light of Your soul", after Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) "Harvests His Crop" as "His Property" and then takes Them to Akhirah within you, to the 8 Heavens within you, if you like, that is, if you are wise, if you wise up before it is to late.

Bawa. That is, before it is to late to join as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and "One with" what He is doing within you, which is growing "His Crop" within you, so when "He Harvests" His Crop within you, you become "His Property" within you, you become "His Seed" but this time a 1000 Fold, that is, so He can return "His Oneness" to God within you, from whom He has come, but this time with an "Understanding of His Oneness", so it will never leave "You" again Ok?

Bawa. And doing all of this within you, by first becoming "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of you, and "One with" what He is doing on the "outside" of you, which is bring all of My Children to this state, to this state of surrender to the "Truth of You", and to the "Truth of God" within you, letting "Truth surrender to Truth" within you, so the "Seed of God" that God has personally and ever so lovingly planted within the "Earth of God" within you, and within each of My Children can germinate.

Bawa. That is, so the "Seed of God" which God has planted in the Creation of God within you, germinates, and reveals the "Tree of God" within you, and bears the "Fruits of God" within you, revealing the "Sweet Taste of God" within each "Fruit of God" within you, and again the "Seed of God" within each "Fruit of God", again the "Seed of God", but now a 1000 Fold, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's.

Bawa. That is, for the benefit of the "Child Left Behind" within you, which is your soul, which is your pure birth, which is your original state, and for the benefit of all of Creation of God within you, which is your earth, and all of the lives of the 5 elements within you, which is your current state, which is your impure birth, if you like, that is, if you will let God use your life for this purpose, to finish what God has started within you, which is to reveal God to God within you, by "you" allowing God to finish telling and bringing to Completion the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, by "you", like the apple seed buried within the earth, willingly and freely, letting "your false life" as "separate from" come to an End, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, so "your true life" as "One with" can begin. Amen.

Bawa. For this is your Choice, My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), a Choice that you and My Children have yet to make, as your last 4 questions demonstrate, a Choice you are not yet clear about, still mixing up "you" as "separate from" on the illusory "outside" of you, and "Us" within you, and God within "Us" as "One with" within you. Ok?

Bawa. And this is why you must keep doing this joining as "One with" as best as you can, as often as you can with Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of you, to become more and more clear on "The Contrast", by letting Him continue to "Reason over your fate", day in and day out, so finally, "You will get it", and make the Correct Choice, and truly fall into the "Fire of God" within you. Because until you do this, nothing of lasting value has happened in your life, and in the End, "The Beast" will most certainly "have his way" with you, and drag you yelling and screaming to an eternal life of hell within you as "separate from" God within you. Ok?

Bawa. For example, like the four questions that you ask, all of which have to do with Curtis, and what you still believe Curtis is doing on the "outside" of you, all of which in truth is absolutely nothing, all of which is "Just Not True", for in truth Curtis is all a dream, and the "outside" of Curtis is all a dream, and everything that "Curtis does" is just a thought within that dream, that your mind and desire manifest into Curtis, and into the world of Curtis, and into what Curtis is doing in the world of Curtis, including "Curtis going back to God", or "Curtis doing it right", or "Curtis understanding it better", so "Curtis can do it better", but in truth, all of it is just your thoughts of Curtis within the dream of Curtis in the world of Curtis. All of it is just Curtis, Curtis, Curtis, and truly nothing else. Ok?

Bawa.  For in truth, as "We" taught you when "We" were living on the "outside" of you,

          "All that you see is a dream,
          All that you do is just a thought within that dream,
          All that you appear as is hidden"

          "Life is feast of the world,
          Its medicine is time after a time"

          "Its medicine is the remembrance of God
          With each breath, with each look, with each word,
          With each taste, and with each thought,
          Glorifying His Name, His Words, His Qualities, His Actions,
          At each moment, at each time of prayer,
          Which in truth is each moment,
          Realizing that whether on not you are alive in the next moment,
          Is His Will, not yours".

          Saying to God at each moment, with each breath, with each look,
          With each word, with each taste, and with each thought,
                    "Bawa. May Your Will Be Done".

          "Saying To Him, at each moment,
          With each breath, with each look, with each word,
          With each taste, and with each thought,

                    "Bawa.  You are Allah,
                    Bawa.  There is nothing other than You.
                    Bawa.  Without You there is no other help, Because I do not exist.
                    Bawa.  You are with me, be within my heart.
                    Bawa.  Do not be separated from me. Amen".

          "Realizing without the slightest doubt that
          If you can have this faith of Iman with Certitude,
          If you can have this intention with each breath,
          That His will be done"

          "And if you can acquire His Qualities and Actions,
          Then that is the State of Islam of the "True Believers",
          Of the "Mu'mim".  Amen"

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
10.  Become The "True Consciousness" Within You - which is the Qutb or Triple Flame of God within you, which is what is within the Qutb within you, which is "Us" within you, which is "God, the Soul, and Goodness" within the Qutb of God within you, that is, within "Us" within you, and which is God, the Guru, and the True Disciple within you, coming together as "One" within you, which is the Understanding of the Qutb of God within you, if you like, with you becoming the Guru within you, with "Us" within you as the Qutb of God within you, becoming God within You, and with God within "Us" within you becoming the True Disciple within God within you, and in this way, with God raising the True Disciple to the station of God within you, through Understanding within you, that is, with God gradually revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, if you like, if you will only let Him, if you will only join Him as such, and "Let God Finish" within you, that is, Let God Finish what God has started within you, a very, very long time ago, which is "Answering His Question" of Himself within you, for the benefit of "His Light", or
"your soul", and of all of the impure souls born within His Light, or "your soul", the Question, "Who am I?", which when Answered, allowing His Light, or "your soul", and His impure souls, or the Creation of God within you, to fall back into Him, as Him and His Understanding, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's. Amen

Bawa.  So if you truly love God, My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), if you truly accept God within you, then you will truly learn how to become the "True Consciousness" within you, for the benefit of all of My Children, which is the state of the Qutbiyyat of God within you, for the benefit of all of My Children, the state of the 6th level of wisdom within you, which is the state of the Triple Flame of God within you, for the benefit of all of My Children, and give up completely all of your current silliness on the "outside" of you, which in truth is doing you and nobody else any good. Ok?

Bawa  And now, with the passing of "Us" from the "outside" of you, there is truly only one way to do this, as when "We" were living in the world, there was only one way to do this, and that is by coming together as "One with" Us within you, and with God within "Us", to do this "Heart's Work" within you.

Bawa. But you cannot do this "Heart's Work" within you alone, you need a true gnana guru on the "outside" of you to guide you gradually to the true gnana guru within you, which in truth is You within you, when You have come to the state of faith in God, or Iman that will allow this to happen within you, and in truth, you and My Children have not yet come to this state.

Bawa. But One of My Children has reached that state of Iman, and has now become the true gnana guru for your age and for your life, and "We" left Him behind for you, and He is now ready to play this role for your life, as the true gnana guru for your age and life, if you like, if you will only accept Him as such for your life, and stop trying to do it now on your own, which none of My Children can, and this is the truth.

Bawa. And that is "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), in whom "We Are Well Pleased".

Bawa. And in this way, and only in this way, join as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), both within you as "Us", and on the "outside" of you as "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), who has truly learned how to do this "Heart's Work" within you, who has truly learned how to do this "Heart's Work" from "Us", before "We" left the world on the "outside" of you, and "We" became Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, with "Us" now waiting within you and each of My Children for you to properly "Task Us" within you, that is, by you truly becoming "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of you, and "One with" what He is now doing on the "outside" of you, which is now as "Our" slave to My Children on the "outside" of you.

Bawa.  And in this way, join as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of you to become "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, which in truth is "You", if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's.  Ok?.

Bawa. That is, join as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of you and "One with" what He is now doing on the "outside" of you, which is moving forward the life of My Children on the "outside" of you, which is helping each of My Children to also becoming the true gnana guru for your age and for the life of My Children on the "outside" of you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice is your Choice, not "Our Choice" within you, and not "God's Choice" within "Us", and certainly not Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen's Choice (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) either within you, or for a little while on the "outside" of you.

Bawa. That is, in order to learn how to truly become "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and "One with" what
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) is doing within you, which is moving forward the life of your soul within you, which is becoming the Triple Flame of God within you, so God can finish what God has started within you, which is to reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you.  And it
is "Just this simple". Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
11.  Lead, And Follow, And Get Out of The Way - all of which truly
defines the station of the Triple Flame of God within you, which you must join in
partnership with God within you, to estabish within you, all of which in truth is "Us"
within you, and God within "Us" within you, that is, in order to estabish the "Presence
of God" within you, allowing "God to Speak" from within you, to all of the Creation of
God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to allow "God to Speak"
from within you to your brothers and sisters, as your "Judgment and Salvation", for
your age and for your life, if you like, all of which in truth is the true "Silent Zikr" or true
prayer to God within you.  And to at least truly start to do this within you before it is
too late, to do this "Heart's Work" within you, that is, to truly "Start to Establish" God
Speaking from within you, in partnership with God within you, and for a little while, in
partnership with God on the "outside" of you, which now is "Our" dearest loving Son,
and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God pleased with Him),
that is, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of
My Children, and harvest you as "his crop", as "his property", and drags you yelling
and screaming to hell within you, that is, if you don't wise up, and start to properly use
what God has now given you, if you like, so your life can truly become successful in
your lifetime, for the Choice is yours, not God's. Ok?

Bawa.  So please join as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased
with Him) on the "outside" of you, and "One with" what He is doing on the "outside" of
you, which is becoming "One with" the life of each of My Children, to learn how to
"Lead, Get Out of the Way", and Follow", for in truth this is the "Triple Flame of God"
within you.

Bawa.  That is, this is "God, the Guru, and the True Disciple" within you , joined as
"One" within you, with the Guru within you becoming God within you, as the Leader,
when you accept Him as such, which is now for your age, and for your life, Shaikh
Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, which is now the life and
teaching of your Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God
be pleased with Him) within you, and of God within Him.

Bawa.  And with the Guru as You within you, within the Triple Flame of God within you,
as the One who has successfully learned how to "Get Out of The Way" within you,
that is, who has truly learned how to "Not Be There", either within you, and for a little
while on the "outside" of you, so "God Can Be There" within you, that is, when "you"
successfully learn on the "outside" of you how to get behind "You" on the "outside" of

Bawa.  Which in truth is now Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
on the "outside" of you, who is now "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving
brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of
you, in whom "We Are Well Pleased", that is, with you joining as "One with" Him on
the "outside" of you to learn how to fall into Him as "Your Fire" on the "outside" of you,
making Him your life and limb, surrendering your life and limb to Him, and to what He
is doing on the "outside" of you, which is surrendering His life and limb, to all of My

Bawa.  And with God within you becoming the "True Disciple" of God within the Triple
Flame of God within you, as the One who God brings back into Himself, within God
within You, with You as the Guru within the Triple Flame of God within you, who has
learned how to "Get Out of The Way And Let God", so this can truly happen within
God within you, that is, so the "True Disciple" of God within you, as the One who can
and will truly "Follow God To God" within you, is allowed to do this "Heart's Work"
within you, in partnership with God within you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not

Bawa.  That is, so the True Disciple or your soul or Jesus (peace be upon Him) is
allowed to get "Off of His Cross" within you, of your elemental body within you, as God
pulls out the 5 nails of "your desire" to live on the "outside" of you and sin, that is, of
"your desire" to live a life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of
you, as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your
brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within you,
all of which is "Just Not True".

Bawa.  And then, as the liberated soul joins as "One with" You within you, that is, with
the Guru within the Triple Flame of God within you, which is the awakened wisdom
within you, to go in search of, find, and fall back into the Primal One in Aathi within
God within you, but this time with an understanding of "Your Oneness", so it will never
leave You again, and in this way, allowing God to "Finish Telling His Story" within God
within you, allowing God to Tell and bring to Completion the "Story of the Oneness of
God and True Man" within God within you, allowing God to return God to God within
you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, if you like, for the Choice is
your, not God's.

Bawa.  And in this way, with God within you becoming the True Student of God within
You, with You becoming the "School of Contrast" within you, and with You then inviting
the True Student of God within you to come and study Wisdom within you, in the
"School of Contrast" within you, and then You will be the Witness.  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, with God within you becoming the One who can Truly Pray
within you, with You becoming the "Prayer Mat" within you, and with You then inviting
the One who can Truly Pray within you to came and stand on You as His Prayer Mat,
and pray to God within you, and then You will be the Witness.  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, with God within you becoming the One who can Truly Farm
the Earth within you, growing the "Crop of God" within you, so in the End, God can
then "Harvest You as His Crop" within you, as "His Property" within you, and save you
from becoming the "harvest of The Beast" within you, as "his property", when "The
Beast" finally comes out of at least one of My Children, which will most certainly
happen in the lifetime of My Children, with You, if you like, becoming the "Purified
Earth" within you, that is, with You again becoming Adam (peace be upon Him) within
you, having recovered from "His Fall" within you, again without a mother or father, as
Adam (peace be upon Him) was originally Created by God within you.

Bawa.  But this time with an understanding of "His Fall", and this time with the Eye of
Wisdom, the Nur Muhammad permanently open within you, so satan can no longer
approach and spit on Adam (peace be upon Him) within you, and again weaken him,
making him ready to fall from God's grace, from "God's Presence", from "God's
Intention", and from "God's Story", into "your presence", and into "your intention", and
into "your story", which is the current state of you and all of My Children, all of which
is what you will receive in the End, if you are not wise, if you don't wise up to this truth
of You, and of God within You, and fall into Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be
pleased with Him), both within you, and for a little while, on the "outside" of you.  For in
truth, there is no other way to do it.

Bawa.  And with You then inviting the One who can Truly Farm the Earth of God within
you, to come and Farm your earth, to farm Adam (peace be upon Him) within you,
which in truth is God within you, which is "Us" within you, and God within "Us", to
came and cut down all of the "wild things" that have grown within you, in your
ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, all of the "wild things" that you
have now become "one with" and which now define you, as Curtis living on the
"outside" of you, as "separate from", with Curtis holding onto, loving, trusting, and
playing with the "Stuff of Curtis" both within you, and for a little while, on the "outside"
of you, playing with it day in and day out, as "my love", as "my life",  as "my wife", as
"my job", as "my understanding", as "my Bawa", as "my Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
Fellowship", as "my family", as "my body", and now as "my Louie", and on and on and

Bawa.  And instead of all of this, all of this silliness, with you stepping back, before
you "Say or Do or Write" anything, as this child has learned to do, inviting God to Step
Forward, by saying the Word "Bawa" or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" or "Shaikh
Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (may God be pleased with Him, and with
Us), and after briefly reflecting upon what God has placed before you, "Be Done With
It", saying to God,

          "Thank You O God, No Thank You O God, What's Next?"

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
12.  Let God Plow You Under - with the Enlightening Words of the Qutbiyyat,
destroying all of the darkness and evil that has grown upon you, all of the lives of earth, fire, water, air, and either, as lives of "separation and differences", that has grown within you in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, and "Let God Sew" the "Seeds of God" within "The Earth of God" within you, which in truth is "your current state", as "one with" the Creations of God within you, and grow "God's Crop" within you, and "Harvest God's Crop" within you, with God claiming "You" as "His Property", before "you" die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of
My Children, and harvests you as "his crop", claiming "you" as "his property", and drags you yelling and screaming to hell, as "his property", after "The Beast" is destroyed by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, that is, if you are not wise, that is, if you do not wise up, before it is too late, and become
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) within you, by first become "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) for a little while still on the "outside" of you, if you like, for to accept "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) as such for your life, as in truth "Your Judgment" and "Your Salvation" for your age and for your life, is most certainly your Choice, not God's, that is, is your Choice, not "Our Choice" within you, and not "God's Choice" within "Us" within you. Ok?

Bawa. And in this way, and only in this way, allowing God within you, which is allowing "Us" within you, and God within "Us", to plow you under with the Enlightening Words of the Qutbiyyat, and plant the "Seeds of God", and water and grow the "Crop of God" within you, for example, by growing the "Tree of God" the Katpaha Virudcham, the "Wish-fulfilling Tree" within you , watering it with, "La illaha Ill Allahu Muhammadar Rasul Allah", with the truck becoming Iman, and the branches becoming the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God, and with the fruits becoming the 6,666 Verses of the Holy Qur'an, and with the mature fruits becoming the "Sweet Taste of God", with True Man within God coming to taste each Fruit of God, and distribute it for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within Man and within God, and within God and within Man, and then You will be the Witness.  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, if "you" on the "outside" of you would like to become You within you, would like to become the Triple Flame of God within you, would like to become what can truly "Lead, Get Out of The Way, and Follow" within you, with You as the Guru within you, with the Guru as God within you, and with God as the True Disciple within God within you, coming together as "One with" you, revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, then Stop all of your silliness on the "outside" of you, by falling into the "Fire of God" known as Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, if you like, making His life your life, making His words your words, making His duty your duty, that is, putting all that you are, all that you know, all that you have, into the ocean, and getting behind Him, and never getting out in front of Him.  That would be Good.

Bawa.  And it is truly just this simple, as "We" have told you over, and over, and over again, for the last 7 months, since God put us together in a "New Special Way", that is, as "Father-Son/Son-Father", and for the last 30 some years since God put "Us" together as brothers, as "OlderBrother-YoungerBrother/YoungerBrother-OlderBrother".

Bawa.  And as "We" will continue to tell you until the End, for there is nothing else to say, or to do, and all that is stopping it is you, is your desire to keep what God has discarded within you, to become God within you, is your failure to step up and be Cured, of what ails you, which is "you" living as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" each other, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within you, all of which is "Just Not True", which is your failure to "Let God Cure Himself of you", which in truth is to let God "Cure Himself of himself", for in truth You are "God Happening" within the Creation of God within Him within you, if you like, as God within You is "True Man Happening" within "God Happening" within the Creation of God within Him within you, and this is "The Truth" of You, and of God within you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's.  Amen.  Ok?

Bawa.  That is, if you like, if "you" would like to experience the Next Level of "You", as the Next Chapter in Your Story, as the rest of the 18.000 Universes within you, other than the first 1000 Universes that you have now opened within you, all of which is now the "Dot under the letter Ba" within you, all of which is now the world of darkness and evil that has now grown within you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, if you will only join in partnership with God within you, which in truth is now
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him), both within you, and for a little while, on the "outside" of you, if you will only Stop all of your silliness on the "outside" of you, all of which continues to be reflected in your questions, as it is in your life, as it is in your family, as it is in your job, as it is in your relationships, and in your prayers, and in your learning, and in your duty, and in your thinking, and in your speech.

Bawa.  And the Choice is yours, not God's, so join in partnership with God within you to Start living your life on the "outside" of you as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of you, and in this way, truly surrendering your life and limb to Him on the "outside" of you, and to what
He is doing on the "outside" of you, which is surrendering His life and limb to My Children. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  And then all that you have asked for in your three questions will naturally occur, both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, and this is "God's Promise", this is "God's Guarantee" for your age, and for your life, and for the live of all of My Children.

Bawa.  For the only Cure of you, and of each of My Children, is God within you, is God finishing what God has started within you, which is God revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, not "you" successfully finishing each day the readings and prayers that "We" have been given to do, and not "you getting rid of" your perception of other people as being "separate from" you, and not "you" sharing with others what you and this child share together in these beautiful sharings, and not "you" getting a full 6 or 8 hours of sleep each night.

Bawa. These things were only give to you, both now, that is, over the last 6-7 months, and throughout your entire life, for you to awaken to your ignorance, and to your arrogance about your ignorance, and to realize that all of these things, and many, many other things that are just waiting to be handed to you to do, can only be done by God within you, can only be properly done within you when you properly "step back" on the "outside" of you, that is, when you truly and properly join in partnership with God within you, to learn how to do "Nothing Correctly".

Bawa. That is, when you start to properly use what God has given you, for your age and for you life, which is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), both within you, and for a little while, on the "outside" of you, with the belief that when you fall into "His Fire" on the "outside" of you, then "You are within God" within you, allowing God within you to "Step forward" within you, and "Be Present" within you, and do whatever needs to be done within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, that is, for you, and for all of My Children, and for all of the Creation of God, within Man and within God, and with God and within Man.

Bawa.  For example, like allowing you to stand in "Your Judgment", now before the End, which is now the "Word of God" for your age and your life, spoken now through the "Word of God made flesh" for your age and your life, which is now Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), both within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, which on the "outside" of you is "Our" dearest loving Son and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), in whom "We Are Well Pleased".

Bawa.  For as Jesus (peace be upon Him) told you over 2000 years ago, as recorded by the Disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him), who was the 13 Disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him), who was the True Disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him), the One "Loved by Jesus" (peace be upon Him), that is, as recorded in the "Gospel of John", as the following:

          "Verily, verily, I say unto to you, He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him
          that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is
          passed from death unto life".

[Note: To read an on-line copy of "Chapter 5" in the "Gospel of John" ( which is the 4th Gospel in the Holy Bible, please chick above or HERE (  Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]

Bawa.  And allowing you to experience "Your Salvation", that is, when you truly accept "These Words" as the "Word of God" for your age and for your life, as spoken and now written by the "Word of God make flesh" for your age and for your life, and join as "One with" Him to write them on the tablet of your heart, so in the End, these "Words of God" for your age and your life, spoken by God for your age and life, transcend your grave, and grow into Akhirah and the 8 Heavens within you, as an eternal life within you as "One with" God within you for eternity. Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, Stop of your current silliness, like "my family", and "my job", and "my understanding", and "my journey", and "my time", and "my sleep", and "my separation and differences", and  "my effort", and "my prayers", and "my sharings", and "my sleep", and "my wife and children", and instead fall into the "Fire of God" for you age and your life on the "outside" of you, so you too can understand right and wrong, good and bad, truth and falsehood directly, so in that state of wisdom, all things will be explained from within you.

Bawa. And then you have become the Guru or Shaikh for your age, for all of My Children, which have now become "Your Children", You will have become that aspect of the Triple Flame of God within you, who has learned how to "Get Our of The Way", so God can reveal God to God within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while, for the benefit of all of My Children, who have now become "Your Children",  if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice is yours, not "Our Choice" within you, and not "God's Choice" within "Us", and certainly not Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen's Choice (may God be pleased with Him), either within you or for a little while on the "outside" of you. Ok?

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, fall into the "Fire of God" for your age and for your life, to Stop all of "your" trying to "Say or Do or Write" things in the world, Stop all of "your" making "you doing things" as your only measure of progress on the "Path of God, for in truth "Only God can Pray" to God, "Only God can do God's duty", only God can make your mind sit down, and Your Wisdom stand up, only God can make the "one" who is Speaking or Doing or Writing sit down or Stop, and Only God can make the Motionless All Pervading One within you, who is the Omniscient Silent One within you, Speak or Move or Write. Ok?

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, none of this "Heart's Work" can happen within you, as long as you refuse to give up the current "mind and desire world" on the illusory "outside" of you, as long as you refuse to give up the "very real but false" inside of you, and the current illusory "outside" of you, and instead "Let God" within you, that is, and "Let God Finish" what God is doing with what is "Within God" within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, all of which is beyond the reach of "Who you currently are", and "Where you currently are", and "What is currently happening" in your life.

Bawa. For example, like the Qualities of God like, Sabur or Inner and Outer Patience, Shukur or Contentment and Gratitude, Tawwakul Allah or Trust in God within you, and Al-hamdu lillah or Praising God for whatever happens to you, and  for what God places before you, and what God takes away from "your presence", including your current life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of you, and Allahu Akbar, or the realization that in truth, "Only God is Great", that is, only God can do anything with anything. Ok?

Bawa. But there is a "Great Secret" related to this "Great Gift" that you, and all of My Children, keep failing to understand, My dearest loving Son and Daughter
Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with You, and with Him), you still want the "Great Gift", you still want the "Ideals of God", you still want to have what "you" think God has, and what "you" think God does, and what "you" think God understands, you still in truth "Want God", but you will not let yourself end, like an apple seed ends, to become the apple tree, you will not let youself as the "Seed of God" buried within the earth of God, end, to "Become God".

Bawa.  You will not join as "One with" God within you, to let "you" as "separate from" end, to let "You" as "One with" begin, to let "You" happen, to "Let God happen" again,
but this time
within you, because God is One, because God is "One with" everything, both within and without, and you are currently "separate from" everything, both within and without.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
13.  The Only Problem - with you and all of My Children, is that you want both, and you cannot have both, you cannot have both God and what God has discarded, you cannot have both "Oneness with" and "separation from", one has to leave so the other can come

Bawa.  This is the only problem, with you and all of My Children, is that you want both, and you cannot have both, you cannot have both God and what God has discarded, you cannot have both "Oneness with" and "separation from", one has to leave so the other can come.

Bawa.  For example, the apple seed buried within the earth must die, must germinate to the truth of its life, so the apple tree hidden within it can grow within the earth, can live, and reveal the "Fruits of its life", because "That is how it works", and not any of your trying to "tweak" somehow "you" and the "outside" of you will work, that is, to make "you" and the "outside" of you somehow "work better", so you can somehow still keep the current "you" and "outside" of you, and also get the next better "you" and "outside" of you.

Bawa.  But this will not work, no matter what you choose to call it, that is, heaven or hell, for it is all the same, it is all hell, it is all "separation" from God within you, all of which will never work to give you "Oneness with God", or even "Nearness to God, as you and My Children still mistekenly believe.  So what to do?

Bawa.  And, "What to do?" is to begin to understand, without the slightest doubt, the
of your current life of darkness and evil, of your little self-deception, of your hypocrisy, both within you and for a little while on the illusory "outside" of you, the consequences which in truth is an eternal hell within you of "separation from" God within you, which in truth is an eternal "separation" within you from "You" within you, that is, from the "Truth of You", and from the "Truth of God" within you,

Bawa.  An eternal "separation" within you from all which "Truly Defines You", an eternal "separation" within you from all which truly explains "Who You Are", and "Where You Are", and "What Is Happening" in your life, all of which you are not
currently experiencing, instead for some reason
becoming mistakenly satisfied with what "falsely defines you", with the "lie of you", all of which you currently refuse to give up, no matter what, no matter what God says and shows you to the contrary, like this beautiful Spiritual Letter, that in truth "You and God" are One.  Amen.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
14.  Closing Prayer - and closing wisdom point, like letting Chapters 1 and 2
end within you, and letting Chapter 3 begin within you, in "God's Story", within you,
while you still can.  For example, in "God's Story" within you, as beautifully
explained in the Suratul Fatihah, with you allowing Chapter 1 within you, which is the
"Beginning or Creation" or the "World of Souls" within you, or Awwul, or Rabil Alameen, within you, and Chapter 2 within you, which is "Crossing The Bridge, or the Crossing Over" within you, from the "Beginning to the End" within you, or this "Earth World" or the Dunya, or Rahman and Rahim, within you, come to an end, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, so now Chapter 3 within you, or "The End Game" or "Judgment and Salvation" or Akhirah within you, or Your Eternal Life, or
Maliki yawmid-deen
, or "Master of the Day of Judgment" within you, can begin, within you, BEFORE you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" harvests you as "his crop", as "his property", and drags you yelling and screaming to hell within you, to an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, all of which is your current state, is your fate, Grasshopper, and the current state and fate of My Children, if you are not wise, if you don't wise up before it is too late to do so, if you don't let your "Wisdom reason over your fate", as you have now started to do, Grasshopper. Ok?

Bawa. May all the peace, the beneficence, that the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children. May God be pleased with all of My Children. Amen.

Bawa. Please give "Our" love and salams to all of My Children.  Please tell them that
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) loves them very, very much, and that they are always in "Our" prayers.

Bawa. And as always, please join as "One with" Us within you, and with God within "Us" to share this sharing with them, by realizing that "You" have to "Lead, Follow, and Get Out of The Way" within you, all Three within you, as One within you, if your life is to become truly successful in your lifetime.

Bawa.  In this way, and only in this way, letting that "Which Can Lead' Lead from within "You", and letting that "Which Can Follow" Follow from within "You", and letting that "Which Can Get Out of The Way" Get Out of The Way from within "You", all of which is the Triple Flame of God within "You", as "One" within you, if you like, if you will only "Let It Happen" within you, if you will only join in partnership with God within you, to let what has to leave, leave both within you, and for a little while, leave on the "outside" of you, leave, so that which can Come Forward within you, which is the Triple Flame of God within you, as "One" within you, which in truth "Is You", which is the 6th level of wisdom within you, comes Forward within you, and lets God finish what God has started within you, a very, very long time ago, which is also "You", if you like, which is God within God within you, if you like, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, all of which becomes God and the Understanding of God within God within you, if you like. Amen.

Bawa.  All of which is the wisdom of the Qutbiyyat of God within you, allowing God to Step Forward within you, causing your mind to sit down, causing "God to be Present" within You, allowing God to "Pass Judgment" upon you, allowing "Your Salvation" to occur within you, if you like, that is, for God to "Pass Judgment" upon You, upon all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while, on your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, and for God to become "Your Salvation" within you, if you like, with Your heart becoming the 8 Heavens of God within you, as Akhirah or the Hereafter within you, Here and Now within you.

Bawa.  With Your wisdom becoming the Light of Your wisdom, or the Nur Muhammad within you, revealing True Prayer within you, and with the Light of Your wisdom becoming the Light of Truth within you, allowing God to reveal True Man within God within you, as "True Man's Bank" within "God's Bank", and "True Man's Prayer" within
God's Prayer, within you, and as the Din or Deen within the Din or Deen, as the Understanding of the Power within the Essence of Everything, within the Power within the Essence of Everything, allowing God to Completely Answer His Question, of God within Anathi within you, the Question, "Who am I", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, so in the End, "No Child Is Left Behind", so in the End, there is nothing still "separating God" from God within you, and in the End, all that is left is God, and the Understanding of God, and "You will be within it", if you like, as the Witness Amen.

Bawa. My love you - Shaikh Muhnammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

End of "Page 1 of 1" of
Spiritual Letter 119
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This page was last updated on: March 17, 2007